Licenciatura em Gestão de Vendas e do Retalho

Presentation vídeo

Teaching mode: Distance learning / E-learning Teaching Language: Portuguese

The first cycle course in Sales and Retail Management has the main objective of developing knowledge and deepening practices in the field of Management, particularly oriented towards the area of ​​Sales and Retail. This course is mainly aimed at professionals who already perform, or hope to be able to perform, the role of managers and directors in retail companies in any sector.


This course offered in distance learning has an integrative aspect that seeks to respond to the needs of the market and the retail and distribution sector, benefiting from the interdisciplinarity and experience of the largest distribution group in Portugal and with an international presence. Therefore, in its conception, the partnership between Universidade Aberta and SONAE MC was very important, an entity that made its know-how available in order to enrich the practical aspect of this training offer.


In the same sense, for the success of this training, and considering the demands of this sector of activity, the Distance Learning modality is considered critical, which allows to ensure the flexibility of teaching to an audience of recognized quality, with a demanding professional activity in terms of schedules, but you need to develop knowledge and skills in your area of ​​work.

The study cycle is accredited by the Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency (A3ES)


Curricular estructure:

Tronco Comum (180 ECTS)