Doutoramento em Estudos Portugueses

Presentation vídeo

Opening Order Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: Teaching Language: Portuguese

The Doctoral Degree in Portuguese Studies is aimed at a wide audience, dispersed throughout the national territory and abroad, namely students, teachers of several learning degrees and researchers in the academic career, but also non-university teachers and professionals from different areas, such as creative areas, as well as promotion and cultural dissemination areas. Its main objective is to prepare and to qualify doctoral students in the scientific field of Portuguese Studies, who intend to conduct autonomous and specialized research (with a broader and more in-depth scope than in previous study cycles) in one of the four different areas of specialization that are offered: Portuguese Literature, Portuguese Literature and Culture, Portuguese Linguistics and Language Policy.


Ano Letivo 2024_2025:

Paulo Alexandre Magalhães Nunes da Silva


Ano Letivo 2024_2025:

Luís Carlos Pimenta Gonçalves

O ciclo de estudos está acreditado pela Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES)



Curricular estructure:

It is possible to attend the Doctoral Degree in Portuguese Studies in full-time (3 years) or in part-time (5 years). When applying, the student selects the desired regime, although it can be changed later.

In the full-time regime, over the two semesters that make up the 1st year of the course, the student must enroll in two compulsory curricular units (1st semester) and in two optional curricular units (2nd semester). The latter can be chosen from among those belonging to the speciality in which she/he is enrolled or from among those belonging to any of the other three specialities of the course. Successful completion of the curricular part of the course (at the end of the 1st year) leads to obtaining an Advanced Studies Diploma.

In the 1st semester of the 2nd year of the course, the student enrolls in the Orientation Seminar I and prepares a thesis project, under the supervision of the professor she/he chose as scientific supervisor. Having successfully completed the Orientation Seminar I, the student enrolls in the Orientation Seminar II, continuing, in the 2nd semester of the 2nd year, the research foreseen in the Project.

The Orientation Seminars I and II take the form of scientific orientation sessions, work discussions and assessment of the research progress. The supervisor and the doctoral student are responsible for the work planning (synchronous and/or asynchronous).

Finally, in the 3rd and final year of the course, the student enrolls in the annual PhD dissertation writing seminar. She/he, then, continues with the investigation, aiming to complete the PhD dissertation. The presentation and discussion of the PhD dissertation occur in a public session, specially convened for this purpose. Students approved in the public act of presenting and defending their PhD dissertations are awarded the degree of Doctor in Portuguese Studies, which is certified by a doctoral letter and the corresponding certificate.