Temas de Cultura Portuguesa II
Cod: 53043
Department: DH
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Portuguese Literature and Culture
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

This course unit aims to reflect on some significant examples of Portuguese critical, literary and artistic production, analyzing crucial moments of national thought from the late nineteenth century to the present day, in order to achieve a global vision that characterizes Portuguese Culture. Starting from an initial reflection on the concept of “culture” and national “identity”, some national authors will be read and then a reflection will be made on the role and value of art in the cultural definition of a people. In an attempt to detect some traits of Portuguese identity (melancholy, nostalgia, religiosity, self-reflexivity) three different authors related to three different artistic representations of narrative or para-narrative nature will be discussed: Camilo Castelo Branco (novel), José Régio (drama) and Manoel de Oliveira (film). These authors will be taken as paradigmatic figures, from which contrasts with other Portuguese authors will be established. In the final reflections, during which the intention is to make a Portuguese cultural diagnosis, a connection will be made to the role of the university as a producer of critical knowledge and cultural judgment.

Culture; identity; narrative; drama; cinema

At the end of this curricular unit, the doctoral student should be able to:

understand defining features of the concept, or concepts, of "culture";

determine predominant aspects in the identification of Portuguese culture;

define and problematize key concepts such as saudosismo, identity, nation, culture, among others;

reflect on the ontology of narrative representation

contrast theoretically narrative literature with drama and film

distinguish the role played by each of the literary/artistic figures studied.

make a cultural diagnosis about Portugal and about the role of the university in it

I Previous reflection on the concepts of "culture" and national "identity

II The role of literature and arts in cultural definition; some Portuguese identity traits

III Narrative in general and literature in particular. The case of Camilo Castelo Branco

IV Of the theater as "human poetry". José Régio and religious restlessness

V Cinema as art of time. Manoel de Oliveira and a vision of the history and culture of Portugal

VI Final reflections. The role of the university in the Portuguese cultural conscience

Required reading works (in whole or in part):

Baecque, A., & Parsi, J. (1999). Conversas com Manoel de Oliveira. Porto: Campo das Letras.

Barata, André (2011). A mobilização reemergente do complexo identitário. In Barata, André, Pereira, António Santos, & Carvalheiro, José Ricardo (Orgs.), Representações da Portugalidade. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.

Bazin, André (1958). Qu’est-ce que le Cinéma? Paris: Editions du Cerf.

Bello, Maria do Rosário Lupi (2008). Narrativa Literária e Narrativa Fílmica. O caso de “Amor de Perdição”. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/FCT. 1.ª ed. 2005.

Bello, Maria do Rosário Lupi (2022). Tempo e Narrativa no Cinema de Manoel de Oliveira. Lisboa: Tinta da China.

Castelo Branco, Camilo (s.d.) Amor de Perdição. Memórias de uma família. Realização Didáctica de Luís Amaro de Oliveira. Porto: Porto Editora.

Clemente, Manuel (2009). Portugal e os portugueses. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim.

Coelho, Jacinto do Prado (1983). Introdução ao estudo da Novela Camiliana. 2 volumes. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda. 1.ª ed. 1946.

Eliot, T. S. (1962). Notes Towards the Definition of Culture. London/Boston: Faber and Faber. 1st ed. 1948.

Jahanbegloo, Ramin (2000). Quatro Entrevistas com George Steiner. Lisboa: Fenda.

Lisboa, Eugénio (1978). José Régio, uma literatura viva. Lisboa: Instituto de Cultura Portuguesa – Biblioteca Breve.

Lopes, Silvina Rodrigues (2011). Mensagem e a desconstrução da portugalidade. In Barata, André, Pereira, António Santos, & Carvalheiro, José Ricardo (Orgs.), Representações da Portugalidade. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.

Lourenço, Eduardo (1999). Portugal como Destino seguido de Mitologia da Saudade. Lisboa: Gradiva.

Mattoso, José (2008). A identidade nacional. 4.ª edição. Lisboa: Gradiva.

Nussbaum, Martha C. (2003). Cultivating Humanity. A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education. Cambridge/London: Harvard University Press, 1st ed. 1997.

Pascoaes, Teixeira de (2007). Arte de Ser Português. Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim.

Pereira, António dos Santos (2011). Decadentismo nacional e identidade portuguesa”. In Barata, André, Pereira, António Santos, & Carvalheiro, José Ricardo (Orgs.), Representações da Portugalidade. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.

Reis, Carlos (2018). Dicionário de Estudos Narrativos. Coimbra: Almedina.

Scruton, Roger (2020). A cultura moderna. Lisboa, Edições 70.

Todorov, Tzvetan (2007). La littérature en péril. Paris: Flammarion.

Other works (complementary reading):

Aguiar e Silva, Vítor (2010). As Humanidades, os Estudos Culturais, o ensino da Literatura e a Política da Língua Portuguesa. Coimbra: Almedina.

Bresson, Robert (2003). Notas sobre o Cinematógrafo. Tradução e Posfácio de Pedro Mexia. Porto: Elementos Sudoeste/Porto Editora.

Feijó, António M., & Tamen, Miguel (2017). A Universidade como deve ser. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

Finkielkraut, Alain (Dir.) (2006). Ce que peu la littérature. Paris: Gallimard.

França, José-Augusto (1991). A arte e a sociedade portuguesa no século XX (1910-1990). 3.ª edição actualizada. Lisboa, Livros Horizonte.

Leão, F. Cunha (1998). O enigma português. Lisboa, Guimarães Editores.

Lisboa, Eugénio (1988). José Régio ou a Confissão Relutante. Lisboa: Rolim.

Pires, António Machado (1992). A ideia de decadência na Geração de 70. Lisboa: Vega.

Tarkovsky, Andrei (1996). Sculpting in time. Austin: University of Texas Press.


Assessment includes the completion of assignments and regular and relevant participation in the various forums throughout the semester, as well as a Final Paper.

Although the teaching is conducted in Portuguese, students are required to be able to read in the English language, and it is desirable that they do so with reasonable proficiency in French.