Literatura Portuguesa Comparada
Cod: 53039
Department: DH
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Portuguese  Literature and Culture
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

This UC proposes to study Portuguese Literature in a comparatist perspective, in particular the novel and the short story marked by social, ideological and cultural mutations, dialoguing with movements and literary models that emerged in other European countries (Germany, France and England) that define new aesthetics. Thus, one can observe intertextual relations with the historical novel of Victor Hugo, heir of Walter Scott, in Portuguese authors such as Garrett, in Camilo discovering the creation of plots in the style of a Balzac, in Eça de Queirós or in Agustina Bessa-Luís find a flaubertian  hypotext, in Júlio Lourenço Pinto revisit naturalism, in Vergílio Ferreira  or in Urbano Tavares Rodrigues to highlight common aspects with existentialism, in Almeida Faria or in Alfredo Margarido to read the "New Novel" in a dialogue that knows no borders. Depending on the editions of the course, a literary movement or current and/or a writer will stand out Portuguese.

Comparative Literature; Portuguese Literature (century. XIX-XXI); Interarts Studies; Romanticism; Realism/Naturalism; Existentialism; Roman Nouveau

In line with the general objectives defined within the scope of this 3rd cycle, it is established as a priority to develop:

● skills of critical and scientifically based reflection on different themes approached from a comparatist perspective

● skills of problematization about different movements and moments of Portuguese literature

● ability to conceive, plan and carry out a  relevant, innovative research project of recognized academic quality

● ability to understand the literary phenomenon in its relation to aesthetic and social mutations and ruptures

● ability to problematize Portuguese Literature in its relationship with other Literatures, namely European

Topic 1: Theorizing and problematizing Comparative Literature

● Influence and Reception

● Intertextuality and Interarts relations

● Theme and Myth

 Topic 2: Intertextualities

● Figures of ambition: The Memories of a Madman by Lopes de Mendonça and The Father Goriot by Balzac

● Naturalism in Camilo Castelo Branco and Júlio Lourenço Pinto

● Manuel Teixeira-Gomes: travels in literature

 Topic 3: Inter-arts relations

● Vale Abraão, by Agustina Bessa-Luís and Manoel de Oliveira;

A Corte do Norte, by Agustina Bessa-Luís and João Botelho;

Braga, Teófilo, História do Romantismo em Portugal I. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 1987.

Buescu, Helena. Grande angular, comparatismo e práticas de comparação. Lisboa: FCT/FCG, 2001.

Buescu, Helena, et al. (org.). Floresta Encantada. Novos Caminhos da Literatura Comparada. Lisboa: D. Quixote, 2001.

Carvalhal, Tânia. «Intertextualidade: a migração de um conceito». Via Atlântica, n.º 9, pp. 125-136. S. Paulo: CELLP, 2006.

Castro, Aníbal Pinto de. Balzac em Portugal. Coimbra: [s.n.], 1960.

Chevrel, Yves. Os estudos de recepção. In Pierre Brunel e Yves Chevrel (Orgs.), Compêndio de Literatura Comparada, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2004.

Coelho, Jacinto do Prado. Introdução ao Estudo da Novela Camiliana, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2001.

França, José-Augusto. O Romantismo em Portugal. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1999.

Machado, Álvaro Manuel. O “francesismo” na literatura portuguesa. ICALP: Biblioteca Breve, 1984.

Machado, Álvaro Manuel. Do Romantismo aos romantismos em Portugal. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1996.

Machado, Álvaro Manuel. A Geração de 70. Uma revolução cultural e literária. 4ª ed., rev. e aumentada. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1998.

Machado, Álvaro Manuel e Daniel-Henri Pageaux. Da Literatura Comparada à Teoria da Literatura. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2001.

Margarido, Alfredo e Artur Portela Filho. O Novo romance. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1962.

Nemésio, Vitorino. Relações francesas do romantismo português e outros estudos, pref. Aníbal Pinto de Castro. Lisboa: INCM, 2008.

Pinto, Júlio Lourenço, Estética naturalista, Estudos Críticos, Introdução de Guilherme de Castilho. Lisboa: INCM, 1996.

Rodrigues, Urbano Tavares. Tradição e Ruptura. Ensaios. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1994.

Silva, Vítor Manuel de Aguiar e. Colheita de Inverno. Ensaios de Teoria e Crítica Literárias. Coimbra: Almedina, 2020.

Steiner, George. Paixão intacta. Lisboa: Relógio d'Água, 2003.

This online seminar’s teaching process occurs on an e-learning platform. Three major themes are spread over approximately 5 weeks each. Learning methodology is based on participation in teacher moderated and unmoderated forums (in order to share information and provide support) and on investigative activities about the bibliography, which is composed of literary and critical texts, as well as resources that are available online in databases and digital libraries.

The evaluation is carried out based on three papers prepared throughout the semester (30% for each of the first two works and 40% for the final work). The final grade also takes into account student interventions in moderated forums.