Línguas, Ideologias, Políticas e Práticas
Cod: 53046
Department: DH
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Language Policy
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

This seminar focuses especially on current debates about language ideologies, taking place in an era of globalization and diversity. Students reflect, individually and in groups, on language policies, ideologies, practices and attitudes towards languages and the economic, political and democratic development of the world.

In this context, students analyze the implications of globalization for language management (national/regional languages, official languages, languages of international communication) and the language rights of speakers to access to the full exercise of citizenship in their mother tongues, whether in education or in the daily practices of national public administration or, in the case of Europe, special attention to the practices of and in the European Union.

Language; Identity; Linguistic Diversity; Status of languages; Language ecology; Language rights.

The seminar aims to promote and stimulate in students the following competences:

- Analyze and evaluate the relevance of the links between language and identity and the relevance of linguistic diversity;

- Describe and distinguish the role of various intervention plans, strategies, and social consequences of language policies in the context of language ecology;

- To critically analyze the importance of establishing and strengthening language rights for the development of minority language speaking communities as human rights;

- Develop research work in the field of Language Policy and Language Planning;

- Elaborate bibliographical research and synthesize literature review.

The four major themes covered in the semester are as follows: 

1. Language and identity;

2. Linguistic diversity and the status of languages in the public space;

3. Ecology of languages;

4. Linguistic rights and human rights.

Berdichevsky, N. (2004). Nations, Language and Citizenship. N.C: McFarland.

Filipe, M. (2008). Cidadania Europeia e Direitos Linguísticos e Culturais. Atas da 11.ª Conferência Internacional da Academia Internacional de Direito Linguístico, 16-19 de julho, Lisboa.

Fill, A., & Muhlhausler, P. (Eds.) (2001). The Ecolinguistics Reader, Language, Ecology and Environment. London: Continuum. 

Johnson, David C. (2013). Language Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Just, T. & Lacorne, D. (Eds.) (2004). Language, Nation and State, Identity Politics in a multilingual age. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Mar-Molinero, C., & Stevenson, P. (2006). Language ideologies, Policies and practices, Language and the future of Europe, New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Pinto, P. Feytor (2010). O Essencial sobre Política de Língua. Lisboa: INCM.

Ricento, T., Peled, Y., & Ives, P. (Eds.) (2015). Language Policy and Political Theory, Building Bridges, Assessing Breaches. Berlin: Springer.


Assessment includes the completion of assignments and regular and relevant participation in the various forums throughout the semester.

Students are required to read bibliography in Portuguese and English.