Política de Língua nos Espaços da CPLP
Cod: 53045
Department: DH
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Language Policy
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

This seminar focuses on the study of linguistic policies of the nine CPLP countries, which have Portuguese as an official or co-official language, organized in three topics. The first consists of the characterization of the sociolinguistic reality of each of the nine spaces and their integration in the geographic, linguistic, and political regional context: Southern Africa, West Africa, South America, Europe, and Southeast Asia. The second deals with policies that manage linguistic practices within the nine spaces of the CPLP, policies that regulate the use of languages in the respective public administrations and in the successive levels of the educational systems. Finally, the last topic analyzes the policies to promote the Portuguese language in third countries around the world, both the bilateral policies implemented by each CPLP country and the multilateral policies of all these countries, namely initiatives of the International Institute of the Portuguese Language.

CPLP; Portuguese language; multilingualism; language policy; de jure and de facto policy; language education; linguistic attitudes.

By the end of the seminar, students shall be able to:

- Integrate the analysis of the sociolinguistic reality of each CPLP space in its geographic, political, and linguistic regional context.

- Discuss and describe national and international policies for the management of linguistic diversity in the CPLP and for the promotion of the Portuguese language in the world.

- Research and reflect autonomously.

- Communicate with accuracy, clarity, and rigor the results of his/her research and reflection.

1. Geopolitical dimension of CPLP spaces.

Southern Africa: Angola and Mozambique.

West Africa: Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tome and Principe.

South America: Brazil.

Europe: Portugal.

Southeast Asia: Timor-Leste.

2. Policies at the national level.

Portuguese, majority L1: Brazil and Portugal

Portuguese, majority L2. Angola, Mozambique, and São Tome and Principe.

Autochthonous majority language: Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Timor-Leste.

3. Policies at an international level.

Unilateral: Brazil and Portugal.

Multilateral: Orthographic Agreement of the Portuguese Language, International Institute of the Portuguese Language, and Brasilia, Lisbon, Praia, and Dili Action Plans.

Filipe, Mário (2006). Promoção da Língua Portuguesa no Mundo: Hipótese de Modelo Estratégico [Promotion of the Portuguese language across the world: A possible strategic model]. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

 Moita-Lopes, Luiz Paulo (ed.) (2015). Global Portuguese, Linguistic Ideologies in Late Modernity. New York: Routledge.

 Oliveira, Gilvan Müller (2016). O Sistema de Normas e a evolução demolinguística da Língua Portuguesa [Standards system and demolinguistic evolution of the Portuguese language] (pp. 25-43). In Ortiz, Maria Luisa Álvarez & Gonçalves, Luis (orgs.) O Mundo do Português e o Português no Mundo afora: especificidades, implicações e ações [The world of Portuguese and the Portuguese across the world: specificities, implications and actions]. Campinas: Pontes.

 Pinto, Paulo Feytor & Melo-Pfeiffer, Sílvia (coord.) (2018). Políticas Linguísticas em Português [language policies in Portuguese]. Lisboa: Lidel.

 Pinto, Paulo Feytor (2008). Política de língua na democracia portuguesa (1974-2004) [Language planning in the Portuguese democracy]. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

 Reto, Luís, Crespo, Nuno, Espanha, Rita, Esperança, João & Valentim, Fábio (2020). O Essencial Sobre a Língua Portuguesa como Ativo Global [Fundamentals about the Portuguese language as a global asset]. Lisboa: INCM.

 Reto, Luís, Machado, Fernando & Esperança, João (2016). Novo Atlas da Língua Portuguesa [new atlas of the Portuguese language]. Lisboa: INCM.


The assessment comprehends carrying out tasks and regular and relevant participation in the various forums throughout the semester.