Política de Língua e Gestão Linguística: Teoria e Metodologia
Cod: 53052
Department: DH
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Language Policy
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

This is a theoretical depth Seminar that aims to cover discussions in the key areas that contribute to the definition and implementation of a language policy, in a way in which knowledge is built about linguistic and cultural diversity and the relationships that are established in society where speakers interact and the consequences that interventions in language policy entail and contribute to social changes of the speakers.

Organized in 3 modules, the Seminar presents 3 theoretical discussion axes that contribute to the learning objectives. They integrate public education policies and, in the case of languages ​​of international communication, their relationship with their geopolitical areas, including consequences for multilingualism, plurilingualism in plural societies. This seminar provides theoretical and analytical tools in order to understand the construction of knowledge in a critical perspective within Language Policy and Linguistic Management.

Language Policy, Language Management, Diversity, Global Languages, Multilingualism, Portuguese Language.

At the end of this seminar students should be able to:

- Explain the nature, relevance and purposes of Language Policies;

- Analyze and apply the acquired concepts to concrete situations and problems in a social and geopolitical framework characterized by globalization and linguistic diversity;

- Describe and distinguish the different plans of intervention (in national and international contexts), strategies and social consequences of language policies and language management.



1. The scientific domain of Language Policy and Language Management;

1.1. Language Policy and Social Change;

1.2. Language planning or language management?;

2. Language policy and public policy;

2.1. Language Policy within the framework of educational policies;

2.2. Provision of foreign languages in the education system from an economic perspective;

3. Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Plurilingualism and social impact.

AA. VV. (2004) A Língua Portuguesa: Presente e Futuro. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Calvet, Louis-Jean. (2002). Le marché aux langues Les effets linguistiques de la mondialisation. Paris: Plon.

Calvet, Louis-Jean. (2007). As Políticas Linguísticas. Florianópolis/São Paulo: IPOL/Parábola Editorial.

Cooper, Robert L. (1989). Language Planning and Social Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Filipe, Mário (2021). Aspetos de Política de Língua e Gestão Linguística. Notas sobre Portugal e a Gestão Linguística da língua portuguesa, Col. Ciência e Cultura, n.º 15. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

Hult, Francis M., e Johnson, David Cassels (Eds.) (2015). Research Methods in Language Policy and Planning. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.

Johnson, David Cassels (2013). Language Policy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kaplan, Robert B., e Baldauf Jr., Richard B. (1997). Language Planning, from practice to theory. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Ricento, Thomas (Ed.) (2006). An Introduction to Language Policy Theory and Method. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Spolsky, Bernard (2009). Language Management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Spolsky, Bernard (2021). Rethinking Language Policy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.


The assessment includes carrying out work and regular and relevant participation in the various forums throughout the semester.

Knowledge of English and French languages is required to read the fundamental bibliography.