Teoria do Texto
Cod: 53050
Department: DH
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Portuguese Linguistics
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

In this seminar, several topics are dealt with, and the activities are grouped into three distinct but complementary themes.

In the first theme, some basic issues are addressed, such as the emergence of linguistic studies on texts and the characterization of the concepts of text and coherence. Furthermore, attention will be focused on a category that has gained increasing importance in Textual Linguistics: the typology of textual sequences proposed by Jean-Michel Adam (1992).

In the second theme, the concept of genre is the central category, being associated with other related concepts, such as socio-discursive formation and type of discourse, according to proposals from Discourse Analysis (Maingueneau, 2014) and Textual Analysis of Discourses (Adam, 2008). The didactic model of genres is also introduced, according to Sociodiscursive Interactionism (Schneuwly & Dolz, 1999).

In the third and final theme, the concept of genre is addressed from the perspective of English for Academic Purposes (Swales, 2004) and Rhetorical Studies of Genres (Devitt, 2004), and several types of relationships among genders are discussed and characterized.

Text; coherence; textual sequence; genre; sociodiscursive formation; type of discourse; didactic model of genres; genre relations;

The curricular unit aims to promote the following skills in the students:

to research and manage information on the covered topics;

to reflect, individually and in groups, on central issues on Linguistics’ text studies, using properly the theoretical concepts proposed in several academic disciplines, theoretical frameworks and orientations;

to conduct analysis on suggested questions and themes, while following specific methodologies of linguistic disciplines and theoretical frameworks;

to reveal growing autonomy, in terms of both individual reflection and research carried out;

to communicate with accuracy, rigour and precision the results of their reflection.

1. Text, coherence and textual sequences

− The origins of Linguistic studies on text

− The concepts of text and coherence

− Types of textual sequences (Adam, 1992)

2. Genres: properties and didactic model

− Socio-discursive formations

− Discourse types and genres

− Didactic model of genres (Schneuwly and Dolz, 1999)

3. Relationships among genres

− Genre and subgenre

− Genre and included genre

− Other relationships between genres (Swales, 2004; Devitt, 2004)

Adam, J.-M. (1992). Les textes: Types et prototypes. Nathan.

Adam, J.-M. (2008). La linguistique textuelle. Introduction à l’analyse textuelle des discours. Armand Colin.

Bronckart, J.-P. (1997). Activité langagière, textes et discours. Delachaux et Niestlé.

Devitt, A. (2004). Writing genres. Southern Illinois University Press

Maingueneau, D. (2014). Discours et analyse du discours. Armand Colin.

Schneuwly, B., e Dolz, J. (1999). Os gêneros escolares. Das práticas de linguagem aos objetos de ensino (trad.). Revista Brasileira de Educação 11, 5-16.

Silva, P. N. (2012). Tipologias textuais. Como classificar textos e sequências. Livraria Almedina/CELGA.

Silva, P. N. (2020). Redes, cadeias, sistemas e reportórios: sobre as relações entre géneros. Linguística (Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto) 15, 95-134.

Swales, J. (2004). Research genres. Explorations and applications. Cambridge University Press.


The assessment includes several written academic works, as well as regular and relevant participation in the forums throughout the semester.

In this seminar, students will be asked to read bibliography in English and in French.