Doutoramento em Didática das Línguas

Presentation vídeo

Course Regulation Teaching mode: Distance learning, b-learning Teaching Language: Portuguese and English

The PhD is the result of a partnership between UAb and the NOVA University of Lisbon (School of Social Sciences and Humanities). The course goals consist of training students for advanced level research in language didactics and promoting digital literacy and communication, insisting on intercultural dialogue and new technologies. The course aims, therefore, at the development, dissemination and transmission of scientific knowledge in the teaching of Portuguese or foreign languages. It is targeted at a vast potential audience, spread across the national territory and/or abroad, especially teachers and researchers in academic careers, but also non-university teachers and professionals from different areas.


Curricular Year 2024_2025:

Maria Adelina Ferreira Castelo

Carlos Francisco Mafra Ceia



The 2024-2025 edition will be hosted by FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa




Curricular estructure:

The course is taught in b-learning, integrating:

- face-to-face sessions after work hours at FCSH/NOVA facilities concentrated during the first month of the course;

- distance learning organized in a virtual online class on the e-learning platform in use at Universidade Aberta, with the possibility of integrating synchronous meetings and/or face-to-face sessions, previously scheduled.

The normal duration of the course is 6 semesters:

- semesters 1 and 2 are dedicated to completing the Doctoral Course (DC), consisting of 5 curricular units and totaling 60 ECTS credits;

- semesters 3 to 6 are used for the preparation of an original thesis, appropriate to the nature of the expertise and which contributes to expanding the frontiers of knowledge, corresponding to a total of 120 ECTS credits.

The DC includes a curricular unit called Final Work on Didactics of Languages, which consists of preparing a research project or essay on the state of the issue in the scientific area of ​​the course. This work is discussed in a public examination, with evaluation being carried out by a jury made up of three members.

Successful completion of the DC curricular units and approval in the public examination of the Final Work on Didactics of Languages confers a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Language Didactics issued by NOVA FCSH and UAb.