Seminário de Didática do Francês
Cod: 53033
Department: DH
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Didactics of Languages
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

In the seminar, several topics are covered, and the activities are grouped into four distinct but complementary modules (see contents). Other topics may be covered depending on the doctoral students\' research interests and their thesis project.

French as a foreign and second language



Language for specific purposes

Flipped class

Data-driven learning

The skills to be developed in doctoral students respond to the objectives mentioned below:


- To deepen concepts and terminology relating to the following areas: literary and cultural studies, linguistic studies and foreign language teaching;

- To deepen knowledge in the area of ​​literature in French and linguistics;

- To reflect on problems related to the teaching and learning of French as a Foreign and Second Language (FF/SL): literary diversity, transposition of texts into other languages ​​and semiotic languages, development of communicative skills, lexical acquisition, ICT and flipped classroom, data-driven learning;

- To identify, characterize and evaluate the contribution of literary and linguistic studies to FF/SL teaching;

- To prepare development proposals that integrate the issues addressed;

- To promote awareness of literary, linguistic and cultural diversity;

- To reflect, analyze and discuss processes to be developed in the classroom, using the knowledge acquired during the seminar.


This seminar is divided into 4 modules that highlight the articulation of FF/SL teaching, on the one hand, with literature and, on the other, with linguistics.


Module 1: Historical perspective on the teaching of FF/SL in its relationship with literature / approach to the issue of literary diversity through authors from French-speaking countries or regions or who do not have French as their L1 and decided to adopt it in their works.


Module 2: Processes and issues related to the adaptation of a literary text (LT) to another medium and/or artistic expression (film, comic book...) / Mechanisms for transposing the LT into another language.


Module 3: FF/SL teaching for specific purposes – study and theorization of issues related to FF/SL teaching in a specialty communication context / analysis of strategies to be adopted to improve FF/SL teaching in this context.


Module 4: ICT in teaching FF/SL - flipped class / data-driven learning / face-to-face teaching x distance learning / analysis of teaching proposals.





BEACCO, J.C.(2007). L’approche par compétences dans l’enseignement des langues. Paris: Didier, coll. « Langues et didactique »
BOULTON, A. et alii (2014). Des documents authentiques aux corpus. Paris: Didier
CARRAS, C. (2007). Le FOS et la classe de langue. Paris: CLE International
CORDINA, D. et alii (2018). Pratiques et projets numériques en classe de FLE. Paris: Clé International
CUQ, J.P. et alii (2017). Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde. Grenoble: PUG
DEFAYS J.M. et alii (2014). La Littérature en classe de FLE. Paris: Hachette
EID, C. et alii (2019). La classe inversée. Paris: Clé International

EID, C. et alii (2023). Plurilinguisme et pluriculturalisme. Paris: Clé International
GODARD, A. (2015). La littérature dans l\'enseignement du FLE. Didier
LIONS-OLIVIERI, M.L.(2011). L’approche actionnelle dans l’enseignement des langues. Paris: Maison des Langues
MANGIANTE, J.-M. (2004). Le français sur objectifs spécifiques. Paris: Hachette
PUREN, C.(1994-2008). La didactique des langues étrangères à la croisée des méthodes.
Paris: Didier


Classes are theoretical-practical in nature and include exposition, demonstration, joint discussion and reflection on the topics and content covered. The interaction and active participation of students, individually and in groups, is privileged.


The modules of the curricular units will be offered in a blended learning format with limited in-person sessions and online sessions through an e-learning platform.

The objectives, program contents, resources, activities, as well as the various assessment moments will be explained through a Learning Contract to be made available on the platform.


It is intended that teaching illustrates the implementation in practice of the approaches, principles and concepts studied, facilitating learning through observation and reflection.


Theoretical reflection works to be delivered in writing - 85%

Regular and relevant participation in sessions and forums - 15%