Seminário de Didática do Português Língua Materna (L1)
Cod: 53035
Department: DH
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Didactics of Languages
Total working hours: 280
Total contact time: 44

This curricular unit addresses the main theoretical and methodological issues in the field of mother tongue teaching. It encourages knowledge and critical discussion about the object(s) of mother tongue teaching-learning, the relevant normative documents and the strategies for teaching this(ese) object(s). It also promotes the development of skills of analysis and production of teaching materials for different mother tongue teaching-learning contexts.


Mother tongue teaching

Analysis of teaching materials

Critical reflection on normative programs

Design of didactic sequences

It is intended that, at the end of this Curricular Unit, the student will have acquired the following skills:

• to present, in depth, the major issues that currently arise in the context of mother tongue teaching;

• to critically discuss theoretical perspectives, methodological options and normative and guiding documents, within the scope of Portuguese teaching (L1);

• to adequately articulate theoretical assumptions and methodological options, in the field of L1 Portuguese teaching;

• to systematize different strategies for teaching mother tongue, from the perspective of uses and the system (orality and writing, literary and non-literary reading; and explicit knowledge of the language);

• to develop advanced research skills in this field of study.

• The construction of the teaching-learning object(s), within the scope of mother tongues: conceptual and terminological options.

• Portuguese teaching (L1): theoretical and methodological options

• Normative documents and guiding documents in Portuguese teaching: developments and perspectives.

• The development and assessment of speaking and writing skills.

• Explicit knowledge of the language: purposes, construction and evaluation.

• Analysis and production of teaching materials for teaching Portuguese (L1).


Amor, E. (1994). Didáctica do Português. Fundamento e Metodologia. Lisboa: Texto.

Barbeiro, L.F., & Pereira, L.A. (2007). O Ensino da Escrita: A Dimensão Textual. Lisboa: DGIDC.

Bronckart, J.-P. (2007). Desarollo del lenguaje y didactica de las lenguas. Buenos Aires: Miño y Davila.

Brown; H. D. & Lee, H. (2015) Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. New York: Pearson Longman.

Constantinou, F. (2019). The construct of language competence over time. Language and Education, 33(6), 491-505.

Coutinho, A. (2019). Que inter-relações entre géneros de texto e conhecimento gramatical podem ser objeto de conhecimento explícito e de avaliação?. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, (6), 107-117

Cristóvão, V. L. L; Beato-Canato, A. P. M. A. (2016). formação de professores de línguas para fins específicos com base em gêneros textuais. DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, 32:45-74

Dolz, J.; Gagnon, R. (Dir.). 82018). Former à enseigner la production écrite. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.

Duarte, I. (2000). Língua portuguesa. Instrumentos de análise. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

Figueiredo, A. D. (2005). A língua portuguesa e o desafio das novas tecnologias: literacias e contextos. A Língua Portuguesa: Presente e Futuro. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, pp. 141-162.

Hudson, R. (2006). Language Education–Grammar. In E. K. Brown & A. Anderson (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (pp. 477-480). Amesterdão: Elsevier.

Macário Lopes, A. C. (2006). O ‘conhecimento sobre a língua’ no ensino do Português. Ensino do Português para o Século XXI. Lisboa: Colibri, pp. 75-81.

Olson, D., & Torrance, N. (Eds.) (2012). The Cambridge Handbook of Literacy. Cambridge: CUP.

Rodrigues, S. V. (2001). A consciencialização linguística como componente fundamental na formação inicial do professor de português. In F. I. Fonseca, I. M. Duarte e O. Figueiredo (orgs.). A Linguística na Formação do Professor de Português. Porto: CLUP, pp. 225-237.

Sim-Sim, I. (2007). O Ensino da Leitura: A Compreensão de Textos. Lisboa: DGIDC.

In-depth and systematic knowledge of the main issues of Portuguese Mother Language Didactics will be developed through presentations in face-to-face classes, guidance on student readings and participation in forums and other tasks of collaborative systematization of knowledge on the Universidade Aberta platform.

The ability to critically discuss the various relevant issues in the field and research in the area will also be promoted through face-to-face classes (in which the different perspectives studied will be problematized) and student participation in forums (with different purposes, namely analyzing materials teaching materials and research works by other authors).

Various teaching methodologies adopted will also contribute to promoting advanced research skills in this field of study, namely guiding students\' readings, presenting bibliographical reviews on a topic, discussing proposed questions and research work, analyzing teaching materials and the application of theoretical knowledge in concrete situations, and the preparation of the final research work.


The curricular unit is taught on a b-learning basis and taking into account the principles stipulated in the Virtual Pedagogical Model of Universidade Aberta, privileging asynchronous work, centered on the student and promoting student autonomy.

In face-to-face classes, there will be exposure and problematization of the main issues, with joint reflection on their implications and applications in pedagogical practice.

In the distance component, through the mediation of teachers on the learning platform and the asynchronous participation of students in forums and other tasks, students will be guided in their readings, encouraged to collaboratively build systematizations of the knowledge obtained, to present small bibliographic investigations on a theme, to discuss proposed questions, to apply and evaluate the application of theoretical knowledge in concrete situations and to discuss research works read. Furthermore, they will have to plan, implement and present (in writing and orally) a research work, which will constitute the final work of the curricular unit.

The assessment includes the following elements:

• Participation in synchronous sessions, forums and other tasks, in terms of regularity, relevance and expository clarity (20% of the final assessment);

• Final written work - research work based on learning and skills developed throughout the curricular unit (80% in written work) with possible discussion in a synchronous session.