Seminário de Didática do Português Língua Estrangeira (LE/L2)
Cod: 53036
Department: DH
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Didactics of Languages
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The main objectives of the curricular unit are to develop integrated knowledge about the processes of acquisition and learning of the Portuguese language as FL and SL (PLF/PSL). The aim is to speed up reflection and problematization of topics through linguistic and didactic knowledge and to develop autonomous investigation skills.

Portuguese as a non-native language

Language teaching methodologies

Language skills

Teaching materials

- To search and manage information about this field of study;

- To discuss the situation of the Portuguese language in the world and its learning;

- To study theoretical issues about language acquisition, learning and teaching;

- To discuss methodological issues about language teaching;

- To analyze the CEFR and QuaREPE and discuss the limits of their application;

- To produce theoretical work on PLF/PSL;

- To analyze working instruments in PLF/PSL;

- To discuss cultural and linguistic topics about Portuguese-speaking countries.

- The Portuguese language in the world (geographical, political and institutional diversity) and as a means of global communication;

- Contexts for learning Portuguese as a non-native language: Portuguese as a second language, foreign language and heritage language;

- Cognition, acquisition and learning. Theoretical framework;

- Language teaching methodologies;

 - The Common European Framework of Reference for languages ​​and guiding documents;

- The development of speaking and writing skills;

- Learning and teaching vocabulary and grammar;

- Analysis and production of pedagogical materials for teaching Portuguese FL/SL.

·       Achard, M. & S. Niemeier (2004) Cognitive linguistics, second language acquisition, and foreign language teaching. Berlim: Walter de Gruyter.

·       Araújo, L. & Martinho, A.M.M.F. (2004-2006) (Coord.) Idiomático, Rev. Digital de PLNM. Camões.

·       De Bot, K., W. Lowie, M. & Verspoor (2005) Second Language Acquisition: an Advanced Resource Book. Routledge.

·       Richards, J.C. & T.S Rodgers (2001) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press.

·       Conselho da Europa (2001) Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas: Aprendizagem, Ensino, Avaliação. Edições ASA.

·       Bizarro, R., M. Moreira & C. Flores (orgs.)Português língua não materna:investigação e ensino.Lisboa: Lidel.

·       Long, M. & C. Doughty (2009) The Handbook of Language Teaching. Blackwell Publishing.

·       Mateus, M.H.M. (coord.)(2001) Uma Política de Língua para o Português. Lisboa: Ed. Colibri.

·       Richards, J. & W. Renandya (eds.) (2002) Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. CUP.

Classes are theoretical-practical in nature and include exposition, demonstration, joint discussion and reflection on the topics and content covered. The interaction and active participation of students, individually and in groups, is privileged. It is intended that teaching illustrates the implementation in practice of the approaches, principles and concepts studied, facilitating learning through observation and reflection.

Assessment includes the completion of assignments, the presentation and discussion of texts in class and regular participation in different sessions throughout the semester.