Mestrado em Estudos Portugueses Multidisciplinares

Presentation vídeo

Opening Order Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: Virtual classroom completely online Teaching Language: Portuguese

The master's degree is aimed at graduates who work in the fields of Literature, Culture, Linguistics and History. It promotes Portuguese Studies as a core area of research, in an integrative integrative and transversal perspective, through articulating the scientific areas of Literature, Culture, Linguistics and History. The program includes specialised research within the scope of the scientific branch of Portuguese Studies and in the three specialist scientific fields that structure the program. Such specialist fields are the object of work organised from internally diversified points of view which ensure a diverse reading of literary, cultural, linguistic and historical phenomena in accordance with a plurality of paradigms and theoretical-methodologic perspectives, linguistic and historical phenomena marked by a paradigmatic and theoretical-methodological plurality.


Observations:  Attendance on this course has the following prerequisites: (i) access to a computer with an internet connection (i) access to a computer with an internet connection; (ii) computer literacy from the user's point of view; (iii) academic proficiency in the Portuguese language; (iv) knowledge of English or French at the level of reading comprehension of academic texts in the scientific areas of the course (level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference).

To formalize your application, please consult the UAb portal:


The Master's course in Multidisciplinary Portuguese Studies (MEPM) is a cycle of studies that is accredited by the Portuguese Agency for the Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).


Guião de auto-avaliação (2016)

Guião de auto-avaliação (2021)

Qualification in areas where the multidisciplinary formation in Portuguese Studies is a key asset to reach certain professions or improve the work performance in:

  • Basic Education (2nd and 3rd cycles) and Secondary Education, in History, Literature and Portuguese teaching;
  • Promoting Portuguese Language, Culture and History, in local, national and international institutions;
  • Scientific Research in History, Literature and Linguistics.

Acess to Further Studies: 3rd cycle programs in Portuguese Studies or similar.

Curricular estructure:

2 years - 120 ECTS:

  • 1st year (curricular component): 60 ECTS,
  • 2nd year (dissertation): 60 ECTS.