Temas de Cultura Literária
Cod: 52055
Department: DH
Scientific area: Literature
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 32

With the central axis of the syllabus focusing on the study of a selection of José Saramago’s work, the course Themes of Literary Culture proposes a reflection on how the experience and memory of human events are organized mainly in the form of narrative. By reviewing some key concepts of current Narrative Studies, the reading of Saramago’s work, in dialogue with other authors from the vast library referenced in his novels, will allow an analysis of how literature revisits and problematizes these multiple narratives that shape both the individual and the collective he or she is part of.
The course aims to introduce, study, and value both theoretical reflections and literary texts written in Portuguese, in order to promote and deepen debates about the construction of the novel and the fictional character, their dialogue with other media, and their relationship with History. Rather than reading contemporary Portuguese literature through concepts often formulated in other languages and for other literatures, our starting point will be key fictional texts produced in Portugal, with the dual purpose of deepening their study and rethinking those concepts.


José Saramago
Narrative Studies
History and Culture

By the end of this course, students are expected to have acquired and developed the following general and specific skills:
- Critical ability to analyze, interpret, and correlate different fictional texts and narratological approaches;
- Ability to relate fundamental concepts of Narrative Studies to the reading and interpretation of José Saramago’s work, establishing dialogues with other authors and historical and cultural contexts;
- Ability to express ideas and propose reflections in a clear, structured and well-founded manner;
- Ability to carry out in-depth research, using the tools acquired throughout the course to write assignments that offer a critical and innovative approach to the topics studied.


Taking José Saramago’s literary production as the starting point, four major topics will guide the course Themes of Literary Culture:
    1.    Narrative Studies and Portuguese Literature;
    2.    The Construction of the Literary Character;
    3.    Intermediality in Contemporary Portuguese Literature;
    4.    History and Culture in the Work of José Saramago.

NOTE: Only a few mandatory and/or reference readings are listed here. Specific bibliography for each of the modules in the syllabus will be provided during the course.
BAL, Mieke, Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, 4. ed., Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2014.
REIS, Carlos (org.), Dicionário de personagens da ficção portuguesa, Coimbra, Centro de Literatura Portuguesa da Universidade de Coimbra, s.d.
REIS, Carlos, Dicionário de Estudos Narrativos, Coimbra, Almedina, 2018.
REIS, Carlos, GRÜNHAGEN, Sara, O essencial sobre José Saramago, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2023.
RYAN, Marie-Laure, Narrativa e estudos mediáticos. Trad. Daniela Côrtes Maduro, Santo Tirso, De Facto Editores, 2021.
SARAMAGO, José, A jangada de pedra, 18. ed., Porto, Porto Editora, 2015 [1986].
SARAMAGO, José, Discursos de Estocolmo, Lisboa, Fundação José Saramago, s.d [1998].
SARAMAGO, José, Ensaio sobre a cegueira, 27. ed., Porto, Porto Editora, 2022 [1995].
SARAMAGO, José, Levantado do chão, 21. ed., Porto, Porto Editora, 2014 [1980].
SARAMAGO, José, O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis, 25. ed., Porto, Porto Editora, 2016 [1984].


Assessment is individual and involves two different approaches: continuous assessment (60%) and final assessment (40%). This evaluation will be carried out using various methods defined in the course’s Learning Contract.

It is mandatory to use a computer with broadband internet connection.