Mito e Literatura
Cod: 52087
Department: DH
Scientific area: Literature
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 32

The aim of this course unit is to develop critical thought on the paradoxical relation between myth and literature. Starting with a theoretical understanding of the concept of Myth as a dynamic narrative matrix based on an idea of a world in permanent restructuring and as a key working concept for a multidisciplinary approach in different fields of the Humanities, this course unit offers students an adequate and up-to-date hermeneutic and methodological framework with which to explore the narrative.   


Comparative studies

By the end of the course unit, students should be capable of:
• Recognizing the main concepts of myth in its relation with logos; 
• Understanding the main methodologies and working concepts related to the study of myth, applying these to the hermeneutical dissection of literary texts spanning various epochs and diverse poetic, narrative and ideological constructions; 
• To autonomously pursue research for the writing of original work in the areas of the course unit.

1. The myth: theoretical and methodological frameworks
2. Literature and myth: paradox, tension and convergence
3. Mythical intertextualities and multidisciplinarity

Camus, Albert.  O Mito de Sísifo. Livros do Brasil, 2016.
Durand, Gilbert. Mito, símbolo e metodologia. Lisboa, Presença, 1982.
Durand, Gilbert. «O retorno do mito: introdução à mitodologia. Mitos e sociedades». FAMECOS, v. 1, n. 23, p. 7-22, 2004.
Eliade, Mircea. Aspectos do Mito. Edições 70, 1986.
Lobo, Antonio de Sousa Silva Costa. Origens do Sebastianismo. Texto Editores, 2011.
Lourenço, Eduardo.  Portugal como Destino Seguido de Mitologia da Saudade. Gradiva, 1999. 
Machado, Álvaro Manuel e Daniel-Henri Pageaux. Da Literatura Comparada à Teoria da Literatura. Presença, 2001.
Quadros, António. Poesia e Filosofia do Mito Sebastianista. Guimarães Editores, 2001.
Rodrigues, Urbano Tavares. O Mito de D. Juan e outros ensaios de escreviver. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2005.
Saramago, José. Don Giovanni ou o Dissoluto Absolvido. Caminho, 2005.
Trousson, Raymond.  Temas e Mitos. Questões de método. Livros Horizonte, 1989


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

The seminar adopts the virtual class mode which runs online on UAb's Moodle online platform. The students produce work along two different but complementary lines: 1) individual work by studying and doing research on the issues that are proposed in the seminar and based on a critical reading of documental resources; 2) collaborative learning by discussing questions raised for debate with fellow students, and actively participating in group work, thus contributing to the joint construction of knowledge.
Asynchronous communication is preferred with an emphasis on the discussion forum as a space designed for the debating of the issues being studied.