Linguagem e Cultura
Cod: 52053
Department: DH
Scientific area: Linguistics
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 32

The relationship between Language and Culture will be focused from the theoretical point of view of Cognitive Linguistics, which argues that knowledge of linguistic phenomena is essentially conceptual in nature and strongly grounded in human experience, and environments and cultures of specific language users.
Cognitive linguistics denies that there are autonomous linguistic entities or an autonomous linguistic faculty in the mind; it understands grammar as conceptual organization; and it claims that knowledge of language arises out of language use, via experience mechanisms of cultural, social and individual character.
In the present seminar, our work will focus mainly on polysemy and mechanisms of conceptual metaphor and metonymy.

Language and Culture
Cognitive Linguistics
Conceptual metaphor and metonymy

Following the Universidade Aberta pegagogical model (student-centerd, flexible, digitally-oriented and interactive), students are expected to acquire general, metacognitive and specific competences of:
(i)Analysing problems in areas of Language and Culture in the theoretical frame of Cognitive Linguistics as well as planning and organizing linguistic and cognitive activities both individually and in groups;
(ii)Developing and carrying individual academic projects (diagnosis, selection, treatment, analysis and application of new and highly specific information and linguistic data);
(iii)Promoting and developing independent linguistic research in the studied area;
(iv)Reflecting critically on the Portuguese linguistic data and consulted bibliography both orally (individually and in group) and in writing  (with rigorous academic expression).

Language and Culture relationship will be studied in Portuguese with special focus on:
-linguistic categorization (prototypicality, polysemy, cognitive models, conceptual metaphor and metonymy, mental images);
-language-in-use, culturally grounded;
-language and thought.

•Obligatory references
(books to be purchased by students)
ABRANTES, Ana Margarida. (2011). Introdução à Semântica Cognitiva. Universidade Católica Editora, Pro_LGP. Licenciatura Em Língua Gestual Portuguesa: 18. ISBN 978-972-54-0329-7.
BATORÉO, Hanna (2004), Linguística Portuguesa: Abordagem Cognitiva, CD-Rom, Lisboa: Universidade Aberta
FERRARI, Lilian (2011). Introdução à Linguística Cognitiva. São Paulo: Editora Contexto. ISNN 978-85-7244-657-0.
SILVA, Augusto Soares da (2006) O Mundo dos Sentidos em
Português: Polissemia, Semântica e Cognição, Coimbra:
•Other references
FARIA, Isabel Hub (1999) “Expressões idiomáticas, metáforas, emoções, sentidos figurados e sujeitos experienciadores” in : Isabel Hub Faria (org.) Lindley Cintra: Homenagem ao Homem, ao Mestre e ao Cidadão, Lisboa: Edições Cosmos, 377-402.
SILVA, Augusto Soares da (org.) (2001) Linguagem e Cognição: A perspectiva da Linguística Cognitiva, Braga: Associação Portuguesa da Linguística e Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
SILVA, Augusto Soares da et al. (org.) (2010)  Comunicação, Cognição e Média, 2 vols., Braga: Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Braga, Braga, Vol. 2, 47-62. ISBN: 978-972-697-194-8.


E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

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