Mestrado em Gestão da Informação e Bibliotecas Escolares

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Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: Ensino a distância, online Teaching Language: Portuguese

This master's degree is based on the assumption that the success of schools, in particular of their educational actions, depends on, among other factors, the availability of learning services, books and other resources to every member of the school community but, above all, the existence of professionals properly trained for the management and promotion of these services, in close coordination with the educational projects of schools and their surrounding communities. This aims to qualify professionals for the exercise of specific functions within the organizational structure of the school, particularly within the organization, management and promotion of school libraries/educational resource centres. On graduation, professional options include librarian teacher and service in school libraries, among others.

Candidates are required to meet one of the following pre-requisites:

  • a licenciatura or any other legally equivalent certificate;
  • a BA obtained in a foreign university as long as the program is organized in accordance with the principles of Bologna and the country has agreed to that process;
  • a foreign academic degree approved, by the Scientific Council, as being in accordance with the licenciatura degree aims;
  • an academic curriculum, scientific or professional, that the Scientific Council has approved stating the capacity of the candidate to follow this study cycle.

This master degree aims specially at candidates who are professionally qualified to teach or who already have teaching experience.

Este curso não está em oferta para o ano letivo de 2024-25.

A componente do curso correspondente à parte curricular do mestrado está em oferta como Pós-Graduação, e as informações podem ser consultadas na Unidade de Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida a partir de dia 17 de junho (

Curricular estructure:

Degree lenght: 2 years
Number of credits required: 120 ECTS
1st Year: curricular component or specialization post-graduation equivalent to 60 (ECTS)
2nd Year: preparation, elaboration, and public discussion of an original dissertation (60 ECTS)