Trabalho de Projeto (MGIBE)
Cod: 12173
Department: DEED
ECTS: 50
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 1300
Total contact time: 0

In this curricular unit, students carry out research and development work leading to the elaboration of a scientific project. This work should involve the analysis of new situations, the collection of pertinent information, the development and selection or design of the methodologies of approach and the tools for solving the proposed problem.

Library projects
Research methodologies
Scientific writing

At the end of the curricular unit, the student must demonstrate an in-depth mastery of the topic addressed as well as the originality of the contribution, in writing and in a public presentation.

The contents are defined on a case-by-case basis depending on the student's choice of theme and research problem, and methodological options.

The bibliography consists of reference works and scientific articles that serve as a theoretical and methodological reference to the chosen theme, being defined jointly by the student and advisor.

The work developed in this curricular unit is fundamentally accomplished through tutorial orientation sessions scheduled periodically by the advisor and the student. Synchronous sessions and electronic correspondence will be the preferred means of communication. The supervision by the supervisor includes the orientation and consequent supervision of the tasks in execution, and the reading of the written work that the student elaborates, namely commenting and correcting the dissertation formulation, and making critical comments that contribute to a better overall performance of the student.

The evaluation of the curricular unit “Project Work” takes place in a final evaluation regime.

The frequency of this curricular unit requires knowledge of the English language, capable of allowing the reading and interpretation of texts.