Desenvolvimento e Gestão de Colecções
Cod: 12009
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Library and Information Sciences
Total working hours: 208
Total contact time: 25

This course unit discusses how to create and manage a collection in a school library. As such, the course unit discusses guiding principles of selection and evaluation of resources, keeping in mind the creation and the application of a ‘Policy of Collection Development’.
The collections systematic analysis assumes key importance for their evaluation, a process that enables to design a Plan for Collection Development containing guidelines to be implemented at short-term.

  1. Colection
  2. Documental Resources
  3. Policies of Collections Development
  4. Evaluation of Collections

• Developing critical reflection on ruling principles suitable for the selection, acquisition and refining of documents within a school library as well as the sources of electronic information to be made available.
• Within the specific context of a school library, being able to establish a "Policy of Collection Development".
• Analysing documental resources of a collection in order it can be evaluated.
• Designing a "Plan for Collection Development" based on its evaluation.

• Introduction to the general issue of "Collection Development and Management": clarifying concepts
• Collection development: from the "policy" to the "plan"
• Criteria and procedures: selection, acquisition and refining
• Digital libraries/collections
• Evaluating collections

Compulsory readings:
BISHOP, Kay. The Collection Program in Schools: concepts, practices and information sources.4th ed. USA: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.
Complementary readings:
BARRET, Lynn; DOUGLAS, Jonathan. The CLIP Guidelines for Secondary School Libraries. 2nd ed. London: Facet Pub., 2004.
BAUMBACH, Donna J.; MILLER, Linda R. Less is More: a practical guide to weeding school library collections. ALA editions, 2007.
CLAYTON, Peter; GORMAN, G. E. Managing Information Resources in Libraries – collection management – theory and practice. London: Library Association Publishing, 2001.
DISHER, Wayne. Crash Course in Collection Development. USA: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.
DOLL, Carol A.; BARRON, Pamela P. Managing and Analizing Your Collection – a practical guide for small libraries and school media centres. Chicago and London: American Library Association, 2002.
EVANS, G. Edward; SAPORANO, Margaret Zarnosky. Developing Library and Information Center Collections. 5th ed. USA: Libraries Unlimited, 2005.
JOHNSON, Peggy. Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management. USA: American Library Association, 2004.
MCGREGOR, Joy; DILLON, Ken; HENRI, James. Collection Management for School Libraries. Lanham, Maryland, Oxford: The Scanescrow Press, 2003.
SLOTE, Stanley J. Weeding Library Collections – Library Weeding Methods. 4th ed. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1997.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

Reading competence in English is required.