Seminário de Orientação (MGIBE)
Cod: 12171
Department: DEED
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 0

This curricular unit intends to create a space for debate, reflection and scientific-pedagogical support in order to allow students to carry out an individual research project and prepare their public defense.

Scientific research
Research methodologies
Scientific writing

At the end of this course, students must demonstrate that he / she knows how to search and select sources of information; demonstrate an in-depth mastery of the topic addressed as well as the originality of the contribution; apply concepts and techniques acquired in the academic part of the master's degree (1st and 2nd semesters); know how to develop applied scientific research; know how to choose and use methodologies appropriate to the problem and research theme; proceed with the collection, processing and analysis of data; demonstrate that he/she knows how to write and present well-structured and well-founded reports and dissertations.

Given the specificity of the curricular unit, the contents related to the preparation of the dissertation or the realization of a project work are generally related to the application and skills acquired throughout the study cycle. The contents are defined on a case-by-case basis by the supervisor, namely according to the student's choice between dissertation or project work, the research theme and problem, and methodological options.

Correia, A. e Mesquita, A. (2014). Mestrados e doutoramentos – Estratégias para a elaboração de trabalhos científicos: O desafio da excelência (2ª Ed.). Porto: Vida Económica.
Eco, U. (1982). Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas (2.ª Ed.). Lisboa: Presença.
Estrela, E. (2006). Saber escrever uma tese e outos textos (4.ª Ed.) Lisboa: Dom Quixote.
Mauch, J. E. & Birch, J. W. (1998).Guide to the successful thesis and dissertation: A handbook for students and faculty (4th Ed.). New York: Marcel Dekker.
Quivy, R. & Campenhoudt L. (2008). Manual de investigação em ciências sociais (5.ª Ed.). Lisboa: Gradiva.

The seminar is developed based on a plan of presentation sessions, done by the student, about the various aspects to be included in the final master's work (dissertation or project work). These sessions will be guided by the teacher selected to supervise the student in this final course work. Occasionally, there will also be sessions with the participation of the course coordinators and the other master's students.

The evaluation of this curricular unit takes place in a final evaluation regime.

The frequency of this curricular unit requires knowledge of the English language, capable of allowing the reading and interpretation of texts.