Organização e Gestão de Bibliotecas Escolares
Cod: 12026
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 182
Total contact time: 20

This course unit  introduces essential issues that rise in library administration, even in smaller libraries. This requires knowledge in fields of the planning and management of resources and the assessment of quality, which will be looked at in the context of the school library.

Organização de bibliotecas escolares
Gestão de bibliotecas escolares

•Understanding the role, objectives and fields of intervention of the school library, considering its integration in the educational context;
•Mastering concepts and methodologies aimed at an effective management of spaces and resources;
•Designing strategies and defining actions aimed at the evaluation of services and the attaining of levels of quality that correspond to users' needs.

1. Introduction to the organization and management of school libraries;
2. School libraries and human resources;
3. Organization and management of services offered to the public;
4. Assessment and quality control.

BRÁS, Maria Helena (2000). Bibliotecas Escolares: Instalações e Organização do Espaço. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação.
GALLER, Anne M,.; COULTER, Joan M. (1989). Managing school libraries. The Hague : IFLA Headquarters.
HANNESDÓTTIR, Sigrún Klara (1995). «Bibliotecários Escolares: Linhas de Orientação Para os requisitos de Competência»: Relatório Profissional da IFLA, nº 41, The Hague.
LEMAIRE, Kathy (2001). Shell Life, Shelf Matters: Managing Resources in the School Library. Swindon: SLA Publications.
OCHÔA, Paula, PINTO, Leonor Gaspar (2004). Aprender a inovar.Guia para o desenvolvimento de competências de gestão para os profissionais de informação e documentação. Lisboa: BAD.

E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

Reading competence in English is required.