Problemas e Desafios da Biblioteca Escolar
Cod: 12168
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 182
Total contact time: 20

This course unit promotes critical reflection on the place and potentiality of school libraries to support and promote the educational objectives of today’s school. In this context, it is important also to mention the role of teacher-librarians in their different roles, contributing with a number of basic ideas that will allow the consistent orientation of students' activities. Basing our discussion upon both national and international guidelines of the mission and the role of the school library in the current educational context, the course unit discusses essential issues such as literacy and access to information, the place of technology and the articulation of the school library with education and learning.

Problemas da biblioteca escolar
Desafios da biblioteca escolar

•Understanding the role of the teacher-librarian in the current educational context;
•Examining the role of the school library as a fundamental element of a school’s educational project;
•Examining the great challenges which lie ahead for the work of the teacher-librarian;
•Promoting the conception and realization of projects that will develop the potentialities of the school library and its integration in the context of educational and teaching projects.

1. The School Library – guidelines:
      1.1. Guiding documents for school libraries;
      1.2. Aims and objectives of the school library;
      1.3. The profile/role of the teacher-librarian.
2. Problems and challenges of the school library
      2.1. The school library and students achievement;
      2.2. The school library and the teachers: cooperative work;
      2.3. The cooperation with other institutions.
3. Educational changes: perspectives and possibilities for school libraries:
      3.1. New literacies;
      3.2. Promotion of reading;
      3.3. Resource-based learning.

SILVA, Lino Moreira (2002). Bibliotecas Escolares e Construção do Sucesso Educativo. Braga: Universidade do Minho.
VEIGA, Isabel et al (1996). Lançar a rede de bibliotecas escolares — Relatório síntese. Lisboa: M.E.
TODD, Ross (2001). Transitions for preferred futures of school libraries: knowledge space, not information place; connections, not collections; actions, not positons; evidence, not advocacy (
WILLIAMS, Dorothy, COLES, Louisa, WAVELL, Caroline (2002). Impact of school library services on achievement and learning in primary schools. School of Information and Media Faculty of Management The Robert Gordon University.

E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

Reading competence in English is required.