Mestrado em Cidadania Ambiental e Participação

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Opening Order Course fee Teaching mode: Distance teaching Teaching Language: Portuguese

This master's degree addresses Climate Change, the Urban Metabolism, Life Cycle Assessment, the Green Economy and Industrial Ecology among the other themes approached in the Master's Degree in Environmental Citizenship and Participation from the perspective of sustainable development. This program also includes the following objectives: ascertaining environmental and social problems framed in the current context; developing motivation capabilities directed to the modification of attitudes and behaviours defining actions that lead to sustainability; planning action strategies with (and not for) citizens, particularly through interactive techniques for public participation and conflict management, stimulating the exercising of more informed and proactive citizenship; obtaining capabilities for the design, promotion, management and evaluation of environmental intervention projects, either in the field of training or in the field of technical support.


Entry Requirements:

Candidates are required to meet one or more of the following pre-requisites:

  • a BSc graduation or any other legally equivalent certificate;
  • an academic degree obtained in a foreign university as long as the program is organized in accordance with the principles of Bologna and the country has agreed to that process;
  • a foreign academic degree approved, by the Scientific Council, as being in accordance with the graduation degree aims;
  • an academic curriculum, scientific or professional, that the Scientific Council has approved stating the capacity of the candidate to follow this study cycle at Universidade Aberta.

Acess to Further Studies:

This MSc course may lead to the PhD on Social Sustainable Development at Universidade Aberta, or others in several Universities.



Curricular estructure:

The curricular component corresponds to 60 ECTS units. The preparation, elaboration, presentation and discussion of the dissertation, project work or training report correspond to 60 ECTS units.