Ambiente e Controlo da Poluição
Cod: 22220
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Environmental Science and Technology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

Human activities are responsible for pollution in the three environmental vertices (water, air and soil) and also for the over exploitation of natural resources. These different types of pollution in the different environmental components represent a risk for human health, for the ecosystems and also for historical monuments. In this curricular unit the main objective is to present some subjects that are essential to the understanding of the problem of pollution, to the understanding of the physical and chemical mechanisms and to present measures that should be implemented to reduce pollution. The solid residues are inevitably one of the major sources of pollution and its management is a problem that is urgent to tackle. The curricular unit also pretends to emphasize the need of a sustainable consumption of natural resources.

Great Environmental problems
Natural Resources
Urban Residues
Management of Urban Residues

At the end of the curricular unit it is expected that the student (1) had acquired a broad vision of the environment where we live and about the problems the environment faces owing to human activities; (2) deeply understands how each type of pollution affects the different parts of the environment and our health; (3) to be able to discuss about the causes and consequences of pollution and to present measures to remediate each problem; (4) to be able to analyze in a critical way the modern technics to preserve natural resources and control pollution.

- Air pollution
- Soil pollution
- Water pollution
- Urban Residues: control and management
- Natural Resources: sustainable use

  • Carapeto, Cristina (1999). “Poluição das Águas” causas e efeitos. Edição da Universidade Aberta nº 170. Lisboa, Portugal. (disponível no Repositório Aberto da UAb gratuitamente).
  • Rana, S. V. S. (2011) “Environmental Pollution: Health and Toxicology”, Alpha Science International Limited.
  • Teresa Rocha Santos, Ricardo Prego, Armando Duarte, Alexandre Panteleitchouk (2007). Estudos Sobre Contaminação Ambiental na Península Ibérica. ISBN: 9789727716210, Editor: Instituto Piaget.
  • Other bibliography mentioned in “Contrato de Aprendizagem”

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

Official language: Portuguese
Some readings may be in English.