Políticas para a Sustentabilidade
Cod: 22031
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Political Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

Following the environmental movement in the 70s, the concept of sustainable development (sd) appears in the main forums (international organizations, governments, academia, media) during and after the 80’s. The Brundtland Report, Agenda 21 and the United Nations conference (Stockholm, Rio, Johannesburg, Rio+20) are examples of documents and structuring moments in the formulation of the concept. Under these international guidelines have been suggested or implemented strategies of public policies, such as the EU strategy for the ds, the National Strategy for Sustainable Development, the Local Agenda 21 and sectoral policies (tourism, eg). The promotion requires different actions depending on the geographic region of implementation, but efforts must necessarily pass through three major areas: environmental quality, social development and economic growth and equity.

Sustainable Development
Public Policies
Case study

It is expected that on completion of this course the student is able to:

1. Prepare a case study using secondary data

2. Have an idea of ​​the main historical milestones that contributed to the discussion of the concept of sustainable development

3. Know the concept of sustainable development and apply it to the case study that they are constructing

4.1. Apply the main international guidelines on sustainable development to the case study that they are constructing

4.2- Apply the main EU guidelines on sustainable development to the case study that they are constructing

4.3- Apply the main national policies on sustainable development to the case study that they are constructing

4.4- Apply local policies on sustainable development where the case study that they are constructing is taking place

5.1- Know the ideological interpretations about sustainable development

5.2- Interpret a political-party program considering the ideologies of sustainable development

1. How to write a case study

2. Sustainable development: an historical perspective

3. The concept of sustainable development

4. Policies for sustainability

4.1- Global scale

4.2- EU

4.3- Portugal

4.4- At local level

5.1- Ideological interpretations of sustainable development

5.2- Sustainable development in party political manifestos

Baker, S. (2006). Sustainable Development, Routledge.

European Union (2023) EU Voluntary Review on progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Publications Office of the European Union.

Davidson, K. (2014). A typology to categorize the ideologies of actors in the sustainable development debate. Sustainable Development, 22(1), 1-14.

Ferreira, P. (2020). Rumo a 2030: os municípios e os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável. Instituto Marquês de Valle Flor. Lisboa. 8-17.

Guerra, J., Schmidt, L., & Lourenço, L. B. (2019). From Local Agenda 21 to a localized Agenda 2030–the Portuguese and Brazilian cases in perspective. Community Development, 50(3), 352-367.

Medeiros, G. (2019). Uma Freguesia com Objetivos Globais. 2019. Policy Paper DSLab-CEsA CSG. Lisboa: ISEG.

Nações Unidas (2015). Agenda 2030.

República Portuguesa (2023). Voluntary National Review: Portugal.

Sachs, J. (2015). A Era do Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Actual Editora. ISBN 9789896941321. 1-560.

SEI & CEEW (2022). Stockholm+50: Unlocking a Better Future. Stockholm Environment Institute. DOI: 10.51414/sei2022.011

WCSD (1987), Our Common Future. United Nations.

E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.