Ética e Cidadania Ambiental
Cod: 22019
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Environmental Science and Technology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 26

This course unit introduces and discusses a set of moral and ethical principles that guide the current disputes and moral conflicts. It intends to promote an active and informed environmental citizenship committed to the implementation of sustainability and responsible towards the environment.
They will be worked the concepts of the different streams of environmental ethics and also the link between environmental ethics and other sciences in order to promote sustainability. It also discusses the role of an active and informed environmental citizenship responsible for environmental protection. In the final work of UC students will prepare a work about a global environmental problem and check how the theme of environmental ethics were addressed in the resolution of this issue (eg climate change).

Environmental Ethic
Environmental Citizenship

•  Analysing different environmental ethics trends and understanding the consequences of implementing each one.
•  Mastering tools allowing greater involvement and participation in environmental decisions at any level, from local communities to the international level.
•  Educating environmental managers (from the public, private and voluntary sectors) as researchers and representatives of citizen groups to address issues of environmental ethics associated with decision-making methods and involving environmental impacts.
•  Analysing and drafting official documents related to these themes, and methods involving decisions with environmental impact.

P1 - Introduction and History of Environmental Ethics - Concepts of Environmental Education and Background of Environmental Ethics;
P2 - Contemporary Environmental Ethics;
P3 - Environmental Ethics and … Law, Economics, Aesthetics; Environmental Policy;
P4 - Environmental Citizenship - Prospects of Ecological Citizenship; interventions in the environment;
P5 - Preparation of final work on Climate Change.

  • Jamieson Dale (coord.) (2003). Manual de Filosofia do Ambiente. Instituto Piaget, Colecção Perspectivas Ecológicas. Lisboa , Portugal .
  • Vaz, S. & Delfino, A. (2010). Manual de Ética Ambiental. Universidade Aberta, manual nr. 311.
Fundamental Readings
  • Barreto, Luís S. (1994). Ética Ambiental: uma anotação introdutória. Publicações Ciência e Vida, Lisboa , Portugal .
  • Beckert, Cristina; Varandas, Maria José (2004). Éticas e Políticas Ambientais. Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
  • Callicott, J. Baird (1989). In Defense of the Land Ethic: essays in environmental philosophy. State University of New York Press, Albany , USA .
  • Devall, Bill; Sessions, George (1985). Deep Ecology: living as if nature mattered. Peregrine Smith Books, Salt Lake City , USA .
  • Ferry, Luc (1993). A Nova Ordem Ecológica: a árvore, o animal e o homem. Edições Asa, Porto, Portugal.
  • Leopold, Aldo (1966). A Sand County Almanac. Ballantine , New York , USA .
  • Naess, Arne (1989). Ecology, community and lifestyle. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge , USA .
  • Nogueira, Vítor (2000). Introdução ao Pensamento Ecológico. Plátano Edições Técnicas, Colecção Educação Ambiental. Lisboa , Portugal .
  • Schmidt, Luísa (1999). Portugal Ambiental: Casos & Causas. Celta Editora, Oeiras, Portugal.
  • Singer, Peter (2000). Ética Prática. Gradiva, Colecção Filosofia Aberta, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Smith, Mark J. (2001). Manual de Ecologismo: Rumo à cidadania ecológica. Instituto Piaget, Colecção Perspectivas Ecológicas. Lisboa , Portugal .
  • Soromenho-Marques, Viriato (1998). O Futuro Frágil: os desafios da crise global do ambiente. Publicações Europa-América, Mem Martins, Portugal.
  • Soromenho-Marques, Viriato; Correia, Francisco Nunes, Ferreira, Francisco; Moura, Domingos; Telles, Gonçalo Ribeiro (1999). Ecologia e Ideologia. Ed. J. Rebelo, Livros e Leituras, Lisboa, Portugal.

Materials available at the e-learning platform.

E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

Some readings may be in English.