
Presentation vídeo

Opening Order Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: E-learning Teaching Language: Portuguese

The master's degree comprises advanced training specifically aimed at students and professionals in the social, educational, management, and economic fields who wish to delve into and investigate topics related to an entrepreneurial culture, the development of innovative projects, and global citizenship. To this end, it adopts a transdisciplinary and innovative approach, standing out for the social interaction of students and teachers within the digital space.

The conditions for access to the cycle of studies leading to a master's degree in Entrepreneurship and Global Citizenship are as follows:

a) Holders of a bachelor's degree or legal equivalent.

b) Holder of a bachelor's degree and holder of a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council.

c) Holder of an academic, scientific, or professional curriculum recognized by the Scientific Council of the Open University as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies. The selection of candidates consider, among others, the adequacy of basic and subsequent training, academic CV, and professional experience in the area. If necessary, the selection panel may resort to an interview.

In addition to the above, preferential conditions for access to the master's degree are the fact that candidates have:

  • Basic qualification in the areas of educational sciences, social sciences, business sciences, communication sciences and technologies;
  • Professional experience in education, management, and social organizations.

Curricular estructure:

The course lasts four semesters (2 academic years), including a curricular component and the preparation of an original dissertation of a scientific nature. The student must complete four compulsory course units each semester of the first year and one optional course unit – to be chosen from the two optional courses in the respective semester. The first and second semesters comprise ten curricular units (60 ECTS). The student must write and present a dissertation, project, or internship report in the third and fourth semesters (60 ECTS).