Psicologia do Empreendedorismo
Cod: 62129
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 40

Entrepreneurship has also been studied from the perspective of Psychology, enabling the description and explanation of some of the entrepreneurial behaviours. The curricular unit will allow the analysis of the psychological characteristics of entrepreneurial people, the contexts that promote entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial profile, and the development of skills in this field.





Decision Making

  • Know the contributions of Psychology to the understanding of successful and entrepreneurial people;
  • Know the psychological characteristics of entrepreneurial people;
  • Know contextual characteristics that enhance entrepreneurial people;
  • Describe paradigms and methods leading to the development of entrepreneurial people.
  • Analyze psychosocial and relational dimensions inherent to entrepreneurship;
  • Know instruments that make possible the identification of enterprising people;
  • Recognize and enhance the competencies of the entrepreneur throughout people's life.

  1. Psychological characteristics of entrepreneurial people
  2. Contexts that promote entrepreneurship
  3. Entrepreneurial potential
  4. Entrepreneurial profile and development of competencies

Mandatory bibliography:

Burger-Helmchen, T. (ed.) (2012). Entrepreneurship - Born, Made and Educated. InTech.

Frese, M. (2009). Towards a Psychology of Entrepreneurship: An Action Theory Perspective. In Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship (Vol. 5, Issue 6).

Frese, M., & Gielnik, M. M. (2014). The psychology of entrepreneurship. The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 135–155.

Gielnik, M. M., Cardon M. S., & Frese, M. (Eds). (2020). The Psychology of Entrepreneurship. New Perspectives. Taylor and Francis.

Landy, F. J., & Conte, J. M. (2016). Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (5th ed.). Wiley.

Neto, F. (1998). Psicologia Social. Vol. 1. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta

Piske, F. H. R., Stoltz, T., Costa-Lobo, C., Rocha, A., & Vásquez-Justo, E. (2018). Educação de superdotados e talentosos: emoção e criatividade. Juruá.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.