Economia da Educação
Cod: 62128
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Business Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 40

This curricular unit aims at learning the theoretical-conceptual basis and the interdisciplinarity associated with the economics of education with the objectives of developing an understanding, based on critical reflection, of how economic theory is helpful for the study of the educational reality and stimulating the ability to build new advanced knowledge based on the Economics of Education. It also intends to develop the ability to use the knowledge acquired to create educational programs promoting entrepreneurial skills.



Public policy



  • Learning the basic concepts and theories of Economics of Education;
  • Apprehension of the interdisciplinarity existing in the Behavioural Economics of education with integration of contributions from Psychology, Sociology, and Neurosciences;
  • Understanding, based on critical reflection, how the economic theory is helpful for the study of the educational reality;
  • Ability to build new advanced knowledge based on the Economics of Education;
  • Ability to take advantage of the knowledge acquired to develop educational programs promoting entrepreneurial skills.

  1. Concepts and fundamental theories of Economics of Education
  2. Socio-family environment, soft skills, and influence on educational performance
  3. Barriers in considering education as an investment
  4. Potential opportunities for improvement in education;
  5. Entrepreneurship education policies and programs to address behavioural barriers.

Mandatory bibliography:

Akerlof, G. A. & Kranton, R. E. (2002). Identity and schooling: some lessons for the economics of education. Journal of Economic Literature, XL, 1167-1201.

Carrasqueira, H. (2016). Economia e Educação. Working Paper. Faro: Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo.

Johnes, G. & Johnes, J. (Org.) (2004). International Handbook on the Economics of Education. Northanptom: Edward Elger Publishing Ltd.

Koch, A. et al. (2015). Behavioral economics of education. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 115, 3-17.

Lavecchia, A M. et al. (2014). Behavioral Economics of Education: Progress and Possibilities. Working Paper. Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Lopes, M. C. (2010). Economia da Educação e Formação. Lisboa: Angelus Novus.

Pereira, P. T. & Martins, P. S. (2002). Is there a return-risk link in Education?. Economic Letters, 75, 31-37.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.