Educação para o Empreendedorismo
Cod: 62124
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 40

In this curricular unit, students will learn about the relevance of education for entrepreneurship in the socio-educational context and the main concepts of entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial culture. The defined objectives will be reached based on collaborative learning based on the interaction between student-student, student-teacher, and student-contents; in flexible learning in terms of time and space, in understanding that is also individual and autonomous and mediated by digital technologies and platforms. The work methodology is based on e-activities that will be decisive for achieving the objectives and educational success.






  • Describe the main characteristics of the socio-educational context that justify entrepreneurship education;
  • Critically consider the indicators that reveal the relevance of entrepreneurship;
  • Identify the concepts, objectives, and areas of entrepreneurship education;
  • Identify the behaviours, values, and emotions that characterize an entrepreneurial culture Education for Entrepreneurship.

  1. Introduction to entrepreneurship education
  2. Entrepreneurial educational communities
  3. Entrepreneurial pedagogy
  4. Entrepreneurial culture

Mandatory bibliography:

European Commission. (2016). Entrepreneurship Education at School in Europe. Eurydice Report. Publications Office of the European Union.

Fayolle, A., Kariv, D., & Matlay, H. (2019). The Role and Impact of Entrepreneurship Education: Methods, Teachers and Innovative Programmes. Edward Elgar.

Jardim, J. (2021). Empreende - Manual Global de Educação para o Empreendedorismo. Mais Leituras.

Jardim, J. (2022). 365+ Dicionário de Empreendedorismo. Mais Leituras.

Jardim, J., Bártolo, A., & Pinho, A. (2021). Towards a global entrepreneurial culture: a systematic review of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education programs. Education Sciences;(May):1–22

Jardim, J., & Franco, J. E. (2019). Empreendipédia - Dicionário de Educação para o Empreendedorismo. Gradiva.

Ndidiamaka, E. C., Charity, E., James, A., Benedict, I., Lawrence, O., & Fabian, U. (2019). Economic globalisation and entrepreneurship development in an emerging economy. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 25(3), 1–11.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.