Education Systems
Students are expected to be able to understand the main structuring principles of the education systems and the principles which guide them in terms of social interrelations, as well as to use a praxis of critical analysis and constructive intervention in the dynamics of the education system, paying special attention to its referentials. Students are also expected to be able to intervene in the organization of processes of regulation and of quality control in the development of school education, aiming at improving educational atmospheres and contexts.
O estudante deverá dispor de um computador e possuir conhecimentos de informática a nível do utilizador. Sugere-se que acompanhe e realize, em tempo útil, as atividades promovidas nesta unidade curricular, com a preocupação em intervir e, assim, ter uma presença atuante.
A abertura desta UC opcional está sujeita à inscrição do número mínimo de 7 estudantes.