Master's Degree in Portuguese as a Foreign Language

Presentation vídeo

Opening Order Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: Teaching Mode: Online Teaching Language: Portuguese

The master's degree is intended for those engaged in the educational sector or in central and local administration or in bodies linked to the media and culture industry. The aim is to help professionals to respond more assertively to complex social contexts, reflecting on ethical and social implications and responsibilities. The course is therefore aimed at areas connected to the teaching/learning of Portuguese as a non-native language.


Curricular estructure:

O Curso de Mestrado tem a duração de 2 anos (4 semestres). No primeiro ano (2 semestres), os estudantes frequentam seis unidades curriculares obrigatórias, 60 ECTS. Os dois últimos semestres do curso, a que correspondem 60 ECTS, destinam-se à elaboração de uma dissertação de natureza científica.