Temas de Investigação II
Cod: 52020
Department: DH
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Linguistics
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 55

This course unit introduces issues on neurobiological structures and cognitive processes involved in the acquisition and processing of either a native or a non-native language. It begins with a strictly neurobiological approach through which it is made an identification of the brain geography of linguistic operations. Then it presents and discusses recent studies in order to increase knowledge on the organization and functioning of neuronal and cognitive systems within the context of non-native language acquisition/learning. The reflection on the integration of the results of such researches within the practices  of teaching a non-native language is one of the objectives to be met in this course unit.

1. Cognition
2. Language acquisition
3. Language processing
4. Language neurobiology

This course unit aims to promote the acquisition of competences necessary for a thorough reflection on the application of research findings in language neurobiology to teaching practices in the context of non-native language teaching.
Students are expected to be able to:
• Identify and feature the neurobiological structures underlying Human Language;
• Understand the operation of speech production processes and perception;
• Feature neurological structures and cognitive processes involved in the acquisition and processing of a native or a non-native language;
• Integrate the research results on teaching practices in non-native language teaching.

1. Neurobiology of Human Language
2. Speech production and perception
3. Neurobiological and cognitive aspects
3.1. Acquisition of a native language
3.2. Acquisition of a non-native language
4. Research in neuroscience and pedagogical practices in teaching a non-native language

Blakemore, S. & U. Frith (2009) O Cérebro que aprende. Lições para a Educação. Lisboa: Gradiva Publicações.
Castro-Caldas, A.  (1999) A Herança de Franz Joseph Gall: O cérebro ao serviço do comportamento humano, Lisboa, McGraw-Hill.
Dronkers, N. (2006) “Neural Basis of Language”. In Brown, K. (ed.) (2006) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford, Elsevier Science.
Faria, I. H. (1996) “Linguagem verbal: aspectos biológicos e cognitivos”. In Faria, I. H., Pedro, E. R., Duarte, I., Gouveia, A. M. (orgs)Introdução à Linguística Geral e Românica. Lisboa: Caminho, 35-55.
Faria, I. H. (2003) “A linguagem e os processos cognitivos”. Actas dos IX Cursos Internacionais de Verão de Cascais, Vol. 2 - Língua Portuguesa. Cascais: Câmara Municipal de Cascais, 93-114.
Faria, I. H. (2008) “Neurociências, Linguística e Educação: Novos alvos ou novas tarefas? O sucesso na perspectiva de Sísifo”.Conferência Internacional Sucesso e Insucesso: Escola, Economia e Sociedade. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Felser, C. & H. Clahsen (2009) “Grammatical processing of spoken language in child and adult language learners”. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 38, 305-319.
Gass, S. & L. Selinker (2008) “An integrated view of second language acquisition”. In Gass, S. & L. Selinker (2008) Second Language Acquisition. An introductory course. Routledge: New York, 479-504.
Gullberg, M. & P. Indefrey (Eds.) (2006) The Cognitive Neuroscience of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Blackwell (The Language Learning Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Cognitive Neuroscience Series).
Kuhl, P. & M. Rivera-Gaxiola (2008) “Neural Substrates of Language Acquisition”. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 31: 511-534.
Mitterer, H. & A. Cutler (2006) “Speech Perception”. In The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 770-782.
Osterhout, L. et alii (2008) “Second-language learning and changes in the brain”. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21, 509-521.
Pallier, C. (2006) “Imagerie cérébrale du bilinguisme et de l'apprentissage des langues”. In Bimbot, F. (Ed.) Actes des XXVIe journées d'études sur la parole (JEP), pages 555—556.
Pallier, C. & Anne-Marie Argenti (2003) “Imagerie cérébrale du bilinguisme”. In Etard, O. & N. Tzourio-Mazoyer (Eds.), Cerveau et Langage. Traité de Sciences Cognitives. Paris: Hermès Science.
Paradis, M. (2007) “The Neurofunctional components of the bilingual cognitive system”. In Kecskes, I. & L. Albertazzi (eds.) (2007)Cognitive aspects of bilingualism. Springer: Dordrecht, 3-28.
Perani, D. & J. Talebin (2005) “The neural basis of first and second language processing”. Current opinion in Neurobiology, 15: 202-206
Rato, J. & A. Castro Caldas (2010) “Neurociências e educação: Realidade ou ficção?” In Actas do VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, pp. 626-644.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

É obrigatório o recurso a uma ligação regular de banda larga à Internet. Serão usados textos em francês, inglês e castelhano para além da língua portuguesa, pelo que os estudantes deverão ter competências suficientes para a compreensão dos textos a estudar nestas línguas.