Mestrado em Informação e Sistemas Empresariais

Presentation vídeo

Course Regulation Course fee Teaching mode: Distance teaching Teaching Language: Portuguese

This master's degree is the result of a partnership between UAb and Instituto Superior Técnico. Its main objective is to train professionals with solid basic training and skills in technologies and business systems and in the operation of organizations in order to be able to meet the needs of constant technological innovation in companies and organizations in general within the context of the rapid development of the information and knowledge society. The degree is aimed at graduates or holders of a 1st cycle degree, in any area of knowledge, who wish to develop skills in the area, or update their training.

Entry Requirements:

According to the Law Decree 74/2006 of March 24, may apply to the Masters in Information and Enterprise Systems:

  • holders of an undergraduate degree or equivalent qualification in any area;
  • holders of a foreign academic degree awarded by a State that has adhered to the Process of Bologna in a sequence of a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of that Process;
  • holders of a foreign academic degree that is recognized by the Scientific Board of the Proposing Entities as meeting the objectives of an undergraduate degree;
  • holders of an academic curriculum, either scientific or professional, that is recognized by the Scientific Board of the Proposing Entities as evidence of the candidate's capacity to undertake this cycle of studies. It is required that the candidates have access to a computer with broadband Internet and possess reading and comprehension skills in English and spend up to three weeks in face-to-face teaching.

Accreditation  A3ES | 6 years | Publication date 14/07/2020

MISE is accredited by the Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior and registered under n.º R/A-Cr 31/2013 by the Direção Geral do Ensino Superior, altered by dispatch n.º 15569/2016, published in Diário da República 2.ª série – N.º 247 – 27 december 2016), registered by the Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior under n.º R/A-Cr 31/2013/AL01.

Previous Accreditation

Distance Learning / E-learning.

The course runs mostly under online, virtual classroom, and in classroom sessions mandatory intensively concentrated in one or two weeks a year, in the form of seminar and / or workshop.


Under the proposal of the Scientific Council of Universidade Aberta (Deliberation no. 162/CC/2012, of 27 june) and the positive opinion of the Scientific Council of the Instituto Superior Técnico in a session of 2 May 2012 and under the terms of Decree-Law No. 42/2005, of 22 February and No. 74 /2006, on 24 March, the Master's course in Business Information and Systems was created jointly by Universidade Aberta and Instituto Superior Técnico of Universidade of Lisbon.

Curricular estructure:

A parte curricular do mestrado e as unidades curriculares que a integram funcionam essencialmente em regime de classe virtual, com recurso a plataforma de e-learning da Universidade Aberta, incluindo ainda momentos presenciais intensivos obrigatórios, na forma de workshop e/ou seminário para apresentação e demonstração de resultados e complemento da aprendizagem.