Negócios Digitais
Cod: 22148
Department: DCET
ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Information and Communication Technologies
Total working hours: 210
Total contact time: 40

This course aims to provide students set of tools that support the implementation of digital business initiatives in organizations.
The convergence of industries - from telecommunications to software, media device manufacturers - is changing the way we interact with companies and institutions. The boundaries between different areas of the industry are to blur, creating great opportunities for new business models, innovation and rapid success. Understanding these processes and the fundamental challenges that they pose to any company involved in a digital ecosystem is the main objective of this course focuses on the strategic tools needed to translate these trends into strategies achievable business.

• Distinguish the characteristics and nature of different forms of digital business;
• Describe the key business models and their respective applicability;
• Differentiate the practices of digital strategic approach to business;
• Apply a methodology for implementation of digital initiatives.

1) Introduction to digital business: fundamental definitions; infrastructural support
2) Digital business models and value settings
3) Strategic approach to digital business
4) Methodology for the implementation of digital business initiatives in the organization.

Chaffey, D. (2011). “E-business and E-Commerce Management, 5th ed.”, Prentice Hall, USA.
São Mamede, H. (2009). “Uma Metodologia para a Implementação de Comércio e Negócio Eletrónico em Pequenas e Médias Empresas”. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade do Minho,
Gottschalk, P. (2006). “E-Business Strategy, Sourcing and Governance”, IGP, USA.
Afuah, A., Tucci, C.L. (2006). “Internet Business Models and Strategies, 2nd ed.”, McGraw-Hill, USA


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.