ECTS: 7.5
Scientific area: Information and Communication Technologies
Total working hours: 210
Total contact time: 40
This LU's objective is to explore the concept of learning object, as an autonomous learning unit, searchable and reusable in diverse e-learning contexts. Conception of learning contents in this perspective is developed, taking into account not only the pedagogic and technological aspects, but also object description (metadata), their storage, indexation and interoperability. A special emphasis will be given to practical experimentation at the level of organizational knowledge retrieval and their integration as a learning object.
On conclusion of this LU, students must be able to: - Understand the notion of learning object; - Correctly conceive a learning object in specific knowledge domains in an organizational scope; - Develop a learning object with appropriate authoring tools; - Integrate learning objects in diverse pedagogic and technological contexts.
1) Concept of learning object (LO) 2) Pedagogical and technological principles that drive the creation of LO. 3) Reference models: AICC, SCORM 4) Development of LO using authoring tools 5) Technology for LO reusability
- Northrup, Pamela (2007), Learning Objects for Instruction: Design and Evaluation, USA: Information Science Publishing. - Dias, A.A. & Gomes, M.J. (Coords.) “E-Learning para E-Formadores”, (2004). Guimarães: TecMinho. - Guia para a Concepção de Conteúdos de e-Learning, Instituto para a Inovação na Formação (2003). Lisboa: Inofor - colecção Formação a Distância & e-Learning. - Neven, F. & Duval, E. (2002). Reusable Learning Objects: a Survey of LOM-Based Repositories”, Proc. ACM Multimedia 2002, Juan Les Pins, France, December 1-6, 2002.
Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and
final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.