Doutoramento em Estudos Medievais

Presentation vídeo

Opening Order Course fee Teaching mode: online Teaching Language: Portuguese

The PhD is the result of a partnership between Universidade Aberta  and Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of the NOVA University of Lisbon. It is aimed at those who wish to develop in-depth and interdisciplinary research work in the area of Medieval Studies. It aims to promote independent, innovative and autonomous research and to stimulate the capacity to produce articles. The course requires critical thinking about the materials and problems of Medieval Studies, using interdisciplinarity and comparability as a way of better framing the problems; application of methods, concepts, and theories in interdisciplinary contexts, both more generic and more specialised; deepening the mastery of techniques, tools, methodologies and theoretical concepts that constitute the necessary condition for the practice of research in Medieval Studies at an advanced level.

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA

Curricular estructure:

The Medieval Studies PhD Program is offered in e-learning, in accordance with the pedagogical model of the UAb. By the end of the 1st year, a doctoral retreat will take place. This retreat will be attended by the teachers, other medievalists and the students, in order to promote their inclusion in academia.

It is organized in 8 semesters.
The first 2 semesters focus on the development of the student's training. The thesis project will result from the seminar Problematics in Medieval Studies. Each seminar is ascribed to teachers from 4 different disciplinary areas, but will not be taught as autonomous modules within each course structure, rather these seminars were conceived as the means to provide an effective dialogue within each course.
At the end of the 1st year, the thesis project will be publicly examined by a jury appointed in accordance with the stipulations of the course regulation. The thesis is compulsorily developed in two different subject areas, and supervised also by two different teachers, specialists in diverse disciplinary areas.