Medieval Sources
Interdisciplinary work
Collaborative work
-Ability to understand the importance of applying in practice principles of rigor in the research in medieval interdisciplinary studies and the importance of criticising the sources in a proficient manner.
Sources: Excavation reports, daily life artifacts, selling and renting of property, cartularies & cadasters, sentences and laws, moral literature, enquiries, image, toponimy, etc.
-ALTHOFF,G., FRIED, J., GEARY,P. (eds.) Medieval concepts of the Past. Ritual, Memory, Historiography. Cambridge:CUP. 2002
- BRUNDAGE, A., Going to the Sources. A Guide to Historical Research and Writing. 5th ed., Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
- Cantigas de Santa Maria (Portal em
- CASSEN, A. (ed.), Handbook of Medieval Studies. 3 vols. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter, 2010.
- Historiography of Medieval Portugal (MATTOSO et al. Eds.). Lisboa: IEM, 2011.
- KRUS, L. A concepção nobiliárquica do espaço ibérico. Geografia dos Livros de
Linhagens medievais portugueses (1280-1380). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1994
-TILLEY, C. A Phenomenology of landscape. Places, paths and monuments. Oxford: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1994
Continuous assessment of doctoral students by weighting all participation activities in the activities studied during the seminar (20% each) and the final essay (40 %).