Ciclo de Conferências em Estudos Medievais: perspetivas cruzadas / Research Seminar: Crossed perspectives in Medieval Studies
Cod: 33021
Department: DH
Scientific area: Medieval Studies
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 20

The seminar is organized as a cycle of conferences, available online, focusing on issues considered disruptive to Medieval Studies. An interdisciplinary vision and a comparative approach are privileged. It is intended to deepen knowledge and critical understanding of theoretical-methodological models in the scientific area of Medieval studies and their application in diverse research contexts.

Interdiscilinarity work
New theoretical-methodological models
Diversity of Medieval Studies area

On completion of the seminar, students should have acquired:

 - deep knowledge and critical understanding of the theoretical-methodological models of the scientific area of Medieval Studies and their application in diverse and interdisciplinary research contexts.

- deep knowledge and critical understanding about the diversity of problems that characterise the scientific area of Medieval Studies.

- ability to formulate ideas and conceptualise, based on reading, research and brainstorming in specialised debate contexts, oriented towards academic work.

The seminar is organized as a cycle of conferences on issues fundamental for Medieval Sudies, in which an interdisciplinary point of view and a comparative approach are emphasised. The conferences are made available on the online platform.

1. Conferences

1.1 Construction and uses of memory (L Krus; P Verdés)

1.2 Historiography (I Fernández-Órdoñez; G Martin)

1.3 Political and Economic History (W Blockmans; P Spufford)

1.4 Control over space (M Barroca; W Rossa; JC Sánchez Pardo)

1.5 Forms of symbolic representation (R Morujão; J Day)

1.6 Material Culture (I Gonçalves; J Molero García, D Gallego Valle e C Peña Ruiz)

2. Virtual Study Visits

2.1 Archeology and History (V Lopes e C Torres; M Leitão & JL Matos)

2.2 Urbanism and military orders (TL Pereira)

2.3 Materiality of communication (A Miranda; CV Fernandes)

2.4 Spirituality and pilgrimage (JL Fontes; LC Amaral)

2.5 Places of memory and legitimation (JR Melo; MM Seixas)

2.6 Architecture and History (M Real)

Bibliography is adapted to the content of the sessions, being indicated and made available to students as support of the conferences and study visits. This contributes to the constitution of a virtual library that supports the seminar, not restricted to the scientific production of the specialists that deliver the conferences and lead the study visits, but that also addresses the topics considered in the various presentations.

E-learning. Students attend conferences by invited researchers and carry out complementary readings. Debate in a forum about the work carried out, under the guidance of the professors.

The assessment consists of two written works of individual reflection (weight: 50% + 30%), complemented by active participation in the debates (weight: 20%).