Educational Systems: Organization and Assessment
Cod: 12037
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 182
Total contact time: 36

This course unit introduces the principles that create the dynamics of interaction in different systems of any society. After broaching the main organizing principles of the educational system, this course unit points out some typologies which enable to distinguish or approximate them, in accordance with the sources from which their main guiding principles rise. Keeping in mind their evolutionary tendencies, this course unit focuses especially on the problematic of regulation and governability. Finally, it discusses the assessment of education systems, identifying some well-known technical procedures in the assessment of pre-university school organizations.

Education Systems

Students are expected to be able to understand the main structuring principles of the education systems and the principles which guide them in terms of social interrelations, as well as to use a praxis of critical analysis and constructive intervention in the dynamics of the education system, paying special attention to its referentials. Students are also expected to be able to intervene in the organization of processes of regulation and of quality control in the development of school education, aiming at improving educational atmospheres and contexts.

(1) Social mutations and educational systems;
(2) Evolutionary models and trends in European education systems;
(3) The systems of education and training for a Europe of knowledge;
(4) The regulation of the education systems;
(5) The guiding principles of assessment of education systems.

Climaco, Maria do Carmo (2005) A Avaliação de Sistemas em Educação. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Dutercq, Yves (direction) 2005. Les régulations des politiques d’ éducation. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Figari, Gérard (1994) Évaluer quel référentiel? Bruxelles: De Boeck Université.
Garrido, Jose Luis Garcia (1993) Sistemas Educativos de hoy. Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, S.L.
Ramos, Conceição Castro (2001) Os processos de autonomia e descentralização à luz das teorias de regulação social. Tese de doutoramento. FCT/UNL.


Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.

O estudante deverá dispor de um computador e possuir conhecimentos de informática a nível do utilizador. Sugere-se que acompanhe e realize, em tempo útil, as atividades promovidas nesta unidade curricular, com a preocupação em intervir e, assim, ter uma presença atuante.


A abertura desta UC opcional está sujeita à inscrição do número mínimo de 7 estudantes.