Tecnologia no Ensino de Inglês / Technology in English Language and Teaching
Cod: 52074
Department: DH
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Subject Specific Didactics
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

The syllabus instantiates the curricular unit’s objectives. It contains  readings, exercises and tasks for students to consider their own use of technology in their own language learning background, their present and future  students, and the evolution of technology and digital literacies: 

  • Use of software, websites and readings to provide understanding of Digital Literacies and the pedagogic exploratory policies underlying these;
  • Realisation of the relationships between a communications technology and a communicative language teaching methodology;
  • Understanding the conundrum of learning English through technology and learners using technology through English 
  • Helping students to become teachers working with their students in a changing technological, mobile and digital world.

By the end of this module, the student will: 

  • become more aware of your own use of technology in your English language learning;
  • enhance existing and (where appropriate) develop Digital Literacies;
  • become aware of changing use of technology in ELT in recent years, due to technological and methodological developments;
  • consider how students can use technology for language learning inside and outside the classroom;
  • be able to help students access English within their virtual world.

This Module takes students through  digital literacies, technologies and methods in language learning 
Students will share experiences of language learning and teaching using technology or the lack of technology. It will consider the place of English Language Teaching within Digital Literacies, including such topics as:

Past experiences of teaching and learning using technology;

Present possibilities of teaching and learning using technology;

Future issues in teaching and learning using technology;

Using online resources to increase language knowledge;

Use of Mobile Learning.

Main coursebook:

Dudeney, G. Hockly, N. and Pegrum, M. (2014) Digital Literacies, Research and Resources in Language Teaching. London: Routledge. (Available in print and Kindle editions).

Other readings:

Carrier, M., Damerow, R. M. & Bailey, K. M. (eds.) (2017). Digital Language Learning and Teaching: Research, Theory and Practice. New York and London: Routledge. 

Law, N. & Woo, David & Wong, Gary. (2018). A Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for Indicator 4.4.2. Quebec: UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Pegrum, M. (2013) Mobile Learning, Languages, Literacies and Cultures, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Windeatt, S. Eastment, D. Hardisty, D. (2013) The Internet, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ebook edition.

Students will undertake the following activities:

  • critical reading of texts;  
  • making forum posts in response to these texts and structured tasks;
  • responding to each other's posts;
  • consulting and analysing web pages, learning software and educational activities;
  • engaging in individual and collaborative writing;
  • sharing posts in forums to reflect and share opinions on resources analysed within a community of practice.

Assessment is based on 

Continuous assessment (60%):

  •     forum post activity and content
  •     completion of mini-assignments; 

Final assignment (40%).