Seminário Temático Doutoral I. Identidades e Migrações nas Sociedades Contemporâneas
Cod: 43006
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Social Sciences
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 40

The main objective of this Doctoral Seminar is to problematize and understand the migratory and identity processes that develop in the context of the social, cultural, political and ecological significant transformations that have taken place over the last few decades. The program aims to critically frame this complex theoretical-practical field, in all its complexity, polymorphism and scope, which can only be done through the permanent and solid framing of migratory processes and identity construction in the historical-political context in which they operate.

1. Identities and subjectivities

2. Migrations and diasporas

3.Coloniality and globalization

4.Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Necrocene

Upon completion of this course students should be able to:

• Framing migratory processes and identity construction in the historical-political context(s) in which they develop.

• Understand the mutability of migratory processes and social, cultural and environmental identity dynamics from a diachronic and synchronic perspective, observing, at the same time, the historical dimension of these processes and their contemporary specificities, namely those introduced by phenomena such as globalization, neocolonialisms, climate change, among others.

• Develop a critical perspective on the ontological foundations of modernity, including the influence of the Cartesian separation between society and nature on the ways in which human beings think, act and move around the planet, considering this as a set of processes that fundamentally condition identity construction in the contemporary world.

• Question central concepts for understanding migration and identity processes, including the concepts of: identity(ies), border(s), translation, hybridization, globalization, otherness, sustainability, among others.

• Identify and understand subaltern political-ecological cosmologies and praxeologies (eg, buen-vivir), understanding them as forms of resistance to the dominant cosmology.

• Develop a critical perspective on the themes under analysis and to pursue innovative research in the area


1 - Contemporary socio-historical-political framework

1.1 Globalization

1.2 Coloniality

1.3 Anthropocene/Capitalocene

1.4 Cartesian dichotomies (nature and culture; subject and object; power and subjectivation)


2 The construction of the other - Identities and Subjectivations

2.1 - Identities, subjects and powers

2.2 Nation building and imagination

2.3 The construction of alterity, strangers and foreigners

2.4 Right to have rights


3 Migrations and diasporas

3.1 Migrations: contemporary trends and political orientations

3.2 Diasporas and diasporic identities

3.3 Refugees, narratives and experiences

3.4 Climatic/ecological migrations


4 – Emancipatory alternatives – possible futures

4.1 Orthodox subjectivations (eg environmental sustainability and green capitalism)

4.2 Heterodox subjectivations - buen-vivir and other cosmologies of resistance.

Agamben, Giorgio (2021). “Para lá dos direitos do Homem”, in Hannah Arendt e Giorgio Agamben, Nós, refugiados. Para lá dos direitos do Homem. Lisboa: Antígona, 47-68.

Aldeia J & Alves F (2019). “Against the Environment. Problems in Society/Nature Relations”, Frontiers in Sociology, 4(29).

Appadurai A (1994). Disjunção e Diferença na Economia Cultural Global. In: Cultura Global: Nacionalismo, Globalização e Modernidade. Featherstone, M (Ed.). Petrópolis, Vozes.

Castells M (2003). O Poder da Identidade. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, vol.2.

de Sherbinin A, Grace K, McDermid S, van der Geest K, Puma MJ and Bell A (2022). Migration Theory in Climate Mobility Research. Front. Clim. 4:882343. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2022.882343

Foucault M (1983). “The Subject and Power”, in Hubert L. Dreyfus e Paul Rabinow (org.), Michel Foucault. Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 208-226. Ed. Orig. 1982.

Hein de Haas M C, Flahaux M-L, Manhendra E, Natter K, et al. (2018). International Migration: Trends, Determinants and Policy Effects, hal-01872666f

Quijano A (1992). “Colonialidad y modernidad/racionalidad”, Perú Indígena, 13 (29), 11-20.

Moore J (2016). “Introduction”, in idem (org.), Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism. Oakland: PM Press, 1-11.



Online Continuous evaluation in the context of the Moodle platform.

Participation in the foruns and individual and group works along the semester. Individual final work.