Produção de Materiais Didáticos: Novas Tecnologias
Cod: 52045
Department: DH
Scientific area: Communication Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 33

This course unit objectives are the following:
(i)analysis of language teaching and learning methodologies and their relation with new technologies;
(ii)discussion about the creation of an ideal psycholinguistic environment for Portuguese language learning (as mother-tongue (L1) and as second language (L2)) in the context of distance learning;
(iii)the interrelation between studies about language to which language learners are exposed (input) and their linguistic production (output) and the construction of didactic materials for Portuguese (L1 and L2) teaching and learning.

The competences are:
1.analysis and diagnosis of language (L1 and L2) learning needs;
2.assessment, selection and adequacy of teaching syllabus proposals;
3. reflection about distance language learning environments;
4. to identify, to develop and to adequate resources that promote and stimulate language learning;
5. to develop methodological strategies that promote distance teaching of Portuguese language.

1- Methodologies for portuguese language (L1 and L2) learning and analysis of learners communicative needs
2- Available technologies for languages teaching and the construction of an ideal psycholinguistic environment for its learning
3- Pathways in the development of strategies for the use of Web 2 technologies, exploring its interactive capacities
4- From webquests to tasks: the contextualized use of language and the production of didactic materials

Dias, A., Gomes, M. J. et al (2008). e-Conteúdos para e-Formadores.
Guimarães: TecMinho, Universidade do Minho (e-book que pode ser fornecido aos alunos)
Dias, HBM (2009) Comunicação e cognição no ensino de línguas a distância: Das tecnologias multimedia à criação de ambientes de aprendizagem. Actas do I Congresso sobre Comunicação, Cognição e Media. Braga: Univ.Católica. 455-468.
Faria, Paulo (2008) – Integração Curricular das Tecnologias Educativas no Ensino
da Língua Portuguesa: um blogue para desenvolver a leitura e a escrita. Educação, Formação & Tecnologias. Vol. 1 (2) (Nov. 2008). p. 11-20. Disponível em:
Miranda, G., et al (2009). Ensino Online e Aprendizagem Multimédia. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água Editores.
Nunan, D. (2004) Task-Based Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP

E-learning (fully online).

Evaluation is made on individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes: continuous assessment (60%) and final evaluation (40%). Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.