Literatura Portuguesa Clássica
Cod: 53003
Department: DH
ECTS: 15
Scientific area: Portuguese Literature
Total working hours: 390
Total contact time: 60

This seminar is focused on canonical works of the 16th and 17th centuries, taking into account the specific cultural context in which they were produced and the broad context of an era characterised by deep changes in every domain, mainly due to the sea voyages.

Subjects of heterogeneous nature – the experimentalism in the vernacular, the worldview, the alterity, among others – will be object of permanent reflection, while the literary corpora under study, in prose and in verse, are approached.

 Iconographic and cartographic works will also be studied, aiming at understanding both the worldview of the time and a whole, complex conjuncture, in which the report was particularly relevant to disclose new and up to then unimaginable realities.

Renaissance; Baroque; vernacular literature; worldview; alterity; iconography; cartography

Capacity to develop research, in general, and on Portuguese Classic Literature, in particular

 – Capacity of understanding the context in which the works under study were produced and the multiple cultural traditions inherent to them

 – Capacity of critical reading and literary analysis

 – Capacity of selection and synthesis

 Capacity to propose analytical hypotheses duly grounded

 Capacity to produce original work

I. The Renaissance and the Baroque.

1. The European context and the Portuguese context.

2. The merging of tradition and innovation; the new worldview.

3. Culture and literature:

a) the Classic legacy;

b) experimentalism and innovation in the vernacular.

II. The seas, the new worlds and the new peoples.

1. The thematic of travelling:

a) historiographic, iconographic and scientific reports;

b) literary writings.

III. Lyric Poetry and Drama.

1. The thematic of Love.

2. The entities of the lyric speech.

3. The tragic staging of History.

4. The rhetorical resources in the vernacular.

Caminha, Pêro Vaz de. 1500. Carta a El-Rei D. Manuel sobre o achamento do Brasil. Lisboa: Parque Expo 98, 1997.

Camões, Luís Vaz de. 1572. Os Lusíadas. Org. Álvaro da Costa Pimpão. Lisboa: Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa, 1989.

---. Rimas. 1595. Org. Álvaro Júlio da Costa Pimpão, Coimbra, Almedina, 2005.

Corrêa, Gaspar. 1512-1514. Lendas da Índia. Org. Rodrigo José de Lima Felner. Lisboa: Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, 1858-1863.

Ferreira, António. Castro: tragédia. Lisboa: Pedro Crasbeek, 1598.

História Trágico-Marítima. 1688-1759. Comp. Bernardo Gomes de Brito. Porto: Portucalense Editora, 1942.

Lobo, Francisco Rodrigues. ca. 1580-1622. Corte na Aldeia e Noites de Inverno. Vols. I e II. Lisboa: Companhia Nacional Editora, 1890.

Orta, Garcia de. Coloquios dos simples, e drogas he cousas mediçinais da India. 1563.

Pinto, Fernão Mendes. 1614. Peregrinação. Transc. Adolfo Casais Monteiro. Lisboa: INCM, 1983.

Sá de Miranda, Francisco de. ca. 1520-40. Poesias de Francisco de Sá de Miranda. Org. Carolina Michaëlis de Vasconcelos. Lisboa: INCM, 1885.

Vieira, António, SJ. Sermões. 1633-1681.

Iconography and Cartography (selected materials, to be made available in the virtual classroom)

Aldrovandi, Ulisse. Monstrorum Historia. 1642.

Boaistuau, Pierre. Histoires Prodigieuses. 1561.

Bry, Theodor de. (Gravuras diversas)

Bünting, Heinrich. Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. 1581.

Clusius, Carolus, trad. Aromatum et simplicium aliquot medicamentorum apud Indios nascentium historia. 1567. (ilustrações a partir das descrições de Garcia de Orta, em Colóquios)

Galle, Theodoor. America. 1575-1580.

Gesner, Konrad. Historia Animalium. 1551-58; 1587.

Holle, Lienhart. Reproduction of Ptolemy’s map of the inhabited world. 1482.

Lopo Homem, et al. Atlas Miller. 1519.

Luís, Lázaro. Atlas de Lázaro Luís. 1563.

Münster, Sebastian. Cosmographia. 1545.

Topsell, Edward. The History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents. 1658.


The assessment includes the elaboration of works and a regular, pertinent participation in the various forums during the whole semester.