Sustainability, Environment and Globalization
Cod: 23051
Department: DCET
Scientific area: Environmental Sciences | Social Sciences
Total working hours: 195
Total contact time: 33

This course unit is composed of four main topics and aims to provide students with a set of fundamental knowledge for a reflection about sustainability, anthropocentric changes, human needs and future strategies, from a global perspective. It begins with the main concepts of sustainable development, with multiple objectives and complex interdependencies and a brief reference to the most significant landmarks and guidelines. The second topic presents the systemic approach of environmental compartments (such as water, air, soil and biota) and identifies the main changes, impacts and environmental risks that result from human action in all ecosystems. The third topic identifies current human needs in relation to the capabilities and limits of the planet. Finally, the main strategies for mitigation and adaptation to environmental impacts are analyzed, with an integrative perspective and a transition towards sustainability.

Sustainable Development
Ecosystems, Climate
Circular economy
Sustainable Production and Consumpti

O1. Understand and analyse the concepts of Sustainable Development;
O2. Reflect and discuss the main ideological fields and policies associated with Sustainable Development;
O3. Understand the systemic approach of environmental compartments (water, air, soil and biota);
O4. Identify the main changes, impacts and environmental risks of human action, from climate to biodiversity in all ecosystems;
O5. Identify current human needs in relation to the planet’s capabilities and limits;
O6. Analyse current and future strategies, measures and policies for prevention and adaptation concerning environmental impacts, in an integrative perspective and a transition towards sustainability.

C1 – Sustainable development;
C.1 – Concepts;
C1.2 – Public policies;
C.1.3 – Ideological conceptions.
C2 – Changes during the Anthropocene;
C2.1 – Systemic analysis of environmental compartments (water, air, soil and biota);
C.2.2 – Climate;
C2.3 – Biodiversity;
C3 – Human necessities;
C3.1 – Natural resources;
C3.2 – Service of the ecosystems;
C3.3 – Hunger, Food security and agriculture.
C4 – Future strategies;
C4.1 – Innovation and circular economy;
C4.2 – Sustainable production and consumption;
C4.3 – Sustainable cities and communities.

CAEIRO, S., RAMOS, T. B. e HUSINGH, D. (2012). “Procedure and criteria to develop and evaluate household sustainable consumption indicators”, in Journal of Cleaner Production, 27, 72-91.
FAO (2017). The state of food security and nutrition in the world – Building resilience for peace and food security, Rome.
FAO (2018). The state of food security and nutrition in the world - Building climate resilience for food security and nutrition, Rome.HOPWOOD, B. MELLOR, M. e O’ BRIEN, G. (2005). “Sustainable development: mapping different approaches”, in Sustainable development, 13(1), 38-52.
PRADHAN, P., COSTA, L., RYBSKI, D., LUCHT, W., e KROPP, J. (2017). “A Systematic Study of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Interactions”, in Earth’s Future, 5, 1169-1179.
REIDA, A. B., DOLGOVA, J., et al. (2017). “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals still neglecting their environmental roots in the Anthropocene”, in Environmental Science and Policy, 77, 179-184.
STAHEL, W. R. (2019). The Circular Economy. A User's Guide. Routledge.
WIECZOREK, A. (2018). “Sustainability transitions in developing countries: Major insights and their implications for research and policy”, in Environmental Science and Policy, 84, 198-203.


Continuous evaluation is made through relevant participation in the forums and/or with assignments (group or individual) 70%. Evaluation criteria: accuracy and clarity of communication; capacity for synthesis and relevance of the contents.
Final assignments (30%): Cover one of the Contents C1 to C4, chosen by the student. Evaluation criteria: scope of analysis; concepts; problematization, individual reflection; clarity, synthesis and accuracy of the text.

Portuguese Language will be used for teaching, but most of the learning materials will be in English.