English Society and Culture I approaches the economic, social, political and cultural contextualisation of England, from the Roman occupation to the pre-industrial era, addressing, at the same time, the key events of different eras that were responsible for deep changes in life and society, in general, and in the worldview, in particular.
The curricular unit focuses on two broad periods: i) from Pre-Modernity to Modernity; ii) Early Modern Period (Renaissance; Humanism; Reformation; the dawn of the Scientific Revolution).
1. Anglo-Saxon England
2. Medieval England
3. Early Modern Period
• To characterise the English Culture and Sociey, in their specificity and within the broad European context.
• To know the premises of each era and to understand the changes in the worldview.
• To relate eras, contexts, events, and cultural and social phenomena.
• To demonstrate capacity of synthesis, argumentation and distinction between essential and
• To participate constructively in a discussion.
Theme 1
Theme 2
MEDIEVAL ENGLAND | The Wars of the Roses
Tema 3
THE TUDORS| The Henrician Reformation
Theme 4
OS TUDOR | A Era Isabelina
Theme 5
THE STUARTS | Continuities and Ruptures
As Guerras das Rosas (Vídeo 1). A Reforma Henriquina (Vídeo 2). A Era Isabelina (Vídeo 3). Lisboa: U Aberta, 2012. (autoria dos guiões: Alda Pereira, Maria de Jesus C. Relvas e Susana Fonseca) [disponibilização na sala de aula virtual]
Black, Jeremy. A History of the British Isles. London: Macmillan, 1997. (Páginas 1-167)
Bronowski, J., Mazlish, B. 1960. A Tradição Intelectual do Ocidente. Trad. Joaquim J. Coelho Rosa. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2002.
Elton, G.R. 1955. England Under the Tudors. London and New York: Routledge, 1991.
Gillingham, John. 1981. The Wars of the Roses. Peace and Conflict in 15th Century England. London: Phoenix P, 2001.
Leal de Faria, Luísa. Sociedade e Cultura Inglesas. eUAb — Coleção Universitária, Nº 34. Lisboa: U Aberta, 2024. [desde Nota Introdutória até Capítulo II — 8. Do Pré-Industrial à Industrialização].
Kearney, Hugh. 1989. The British Isles. A History of Four Nations. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006. (Páginas 1-188)
Paiva Correia, Maria Helena de, et al. Literatura Inglesa (Época Renascentista). Lisboa: U Aberta, 1996. (Páginas 11-111)
Pounds, N.J.G. The Culture of the English People. Iron Age to the Industrial Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.
Trevelyan, G.M. 1904. England Under the Stuarts. Charleston: Nabu P, 2010.
Obra de referência [organização e elaboração de trabalhos]:
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2009. [disponível online, com atualizações regulares]
Assessment is preferentially the continuous evaluation. The students who cannot work according to this kind of assessment may choose to write a Final Exam at the end of the semester.
Continuous evaluation:
– 40%: work during the semester, corresponding to two e-folios (e-Folio A; e-Fólio B), submitted in the virtual classroom; participation in the activities on the themes.
Obs: due to technical reasons, the grade obtained for the work in the activities will have to be registered in the device ‘E-fólio C’.
– 60%: a final written work named Global e-Folio.
The Final Exam is a single written test at the end of the semester.
Students are required to obtain the bibliography before the course unit starts; it will be needed since the 1st week of the semester.
Students are required to have: a good level of English; a basic knowledge of the historical/cultural context of Europe and England; access to a computer with Internet connection.
Students are recommended to attend to Society and Culture course units, according to their sequence.
Language of instruction: Portuguese.