This course addresses, in an integrated and coordinated way, four central subjects: the analysis, from a global perspective of the major patterns of contemporary migration and the corresponding migration systems; the impacts of migration on the development of the territories of origin of migrants, relating the macro and micro sociological issues associated with the process; a comparative examination of the relationship underlying these migratory processes considering the intercultural dimension of the actors involved and, finally, the specific circumstances of the interaction of these issues with forced migrations.
The competences to be acquired with this course result from the learning objectives defined for a 3rd cycle study level, adapted to the specific contents of the course. In general the skills concerning the production of original scientific knowledge deserve special attention. More specifically, we intend:
- to strengthen the theoretical and applied skills in the study of migration, in its relationship to culture and development;
- to increase the ability to integrate interdisciplinary knowledge, mainly from sociology, economics and anthropology so as to better seize the complexity of those areas;
- the development of deep analytical skills and critical thinking;
- the improvement of oral communication skills;
- to strengthen the capacity to develop autonomous research and production of complex knowledge.
1. Introduction : contemporary migration and theoretical perspectives
1.1 Migrations at present: global patterns and global migration systems
1.2 Theoretical perspectives on migration : micro - and macro - sociological approaches
2 . Migration and sustainable development
2.1 Migration and socio-economic development : the labour market , remittances and other effects
2.2 Diasporas and transnationalism : economic , socio-cultural and political aspects
3. Interculturality and development
3.1 The cultural approach to development : theoretical perspectives on the relationship between culture , economy and politics
3.2 Macro- and micro-social perspectives of interculturalism in face of mobility and development
4 . Forced migration , asylum seekers and refugees
4.1 Forced migration and development : local and global challenges between migrants sending societies and host societies
4.2 Forced paths, (in) tangible heritage belongings and (re) construction of identity sociability.
Bastia, T. & Skeldon, R. (Ed.) (2020). The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development. Routledge.
Betts, A. 2009. Development assistance and refugees: towards a North- South grand bargain? RSC, University of Oxford.
Castles, S. e Miller, M. (2019). The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. Guilford Publications.
Costa, P.M. & Sousa, L. (2018). 40 Anos de independências: migrações forçadas e regimes de asilo nos PALOP (1975-2013). Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. janeiro-junho de 2018, 35, 89-108.
Hynes, P. (2021). Introducing forced migration. Routledge.
Koser, K. e Martin, S. ( ed.). 2011. The migration- displacement nexus: patterns, processes, and policies. New York. Berghahn Books.
Peixoto, J. (2004). “ As Teorias Explicativas das Migrações: Teorias Micro e Macro- Sociológicas”. Socius Working Papers nº 11/ 2004. ISEG/ UTL.
Schech, S. e Haggis, J. 2000. Culture and Development: A Critical Introduction. Wiley- Blackwell.
Sousa, L., Costa, P.M., Albuquerque, R., Magano, O. e Bäckström, B. (2021). Integração de refugiados em Portugal: o papel e práticas das instituições de acolhimento. Coleção Estudos OM, nº 68. Lisboa: Alto Comissariado para as Migrações.
Rasan S. e Baral, D. (ed.) (2020). Development, Environment and Migration. Lessons for sustainability. Routledge.
The learning evaluation will be based on continuous assessment of individual and group activities. The final evaluation results of the balancing of various factors: quality of participation in discussion forums; individual and group work (essays and critical reading) and individual final work.