Advanced Training Seminar in Epistemologies and Intercultural
Cod: 43000
Department: DCSG
ECTS: 10
Scientific area: Social Sciences
Total working hours: 260
Total contact time: 40

The course is organized in 3 modules, 3 axes of theoretical discussion involving an analysis of texts on science, culture, colonialism, sexism and gender; categories understood in terms of their intersectional nature. The aim of the seminar is to provide theoretical and analytical tools to gain an understanding of epistemological diversity in the construction of knowledge.
Today there is a questioning of this technical and scientific paradigm in the context of contemporary networked societies, so that it becomes necessary to review knowledge, how it is constructed at the forefront of each discipline, the importance of which has been fundamental in constructing modernity. It needs to be rethought via interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue, a rereading of these contexts and a revisiting of ethnography, so that cultures question this reading of themselves and how they see themselves, that they reinvent themselves in the post-colonial era. This would perhaps allow for a “decolonisation of knowledge” based on other theoretical approaches,
The context of this seminar centres around how subject knowledge is constructed and knowledge about other cultures has been developed and how this should also take into account the cultural dimensions of globalisation, which is characterized by migration and exile of various kinds (of people, knowledge, practices, techniques, concepts) in which there is also a development of know-how between various forms of knowledge amongst cultures. The understanding of this in-between knowledge may also itself be a producer of community.


1.To articulate the relationship between the construction of knowledge and cultures.
2.To learn, within a historical and anthropological perspective, about the construction of knowledge and concepts such as culture, ethnocentrism, relationships, identity, sexism and racism, in order that they can contribute to a better fundamental understanding of the contemporary world.
3.To reflect critically, from an intersectional perspective, on the crosscutting areas of issues of power, difference and inequality.
4. To produce a critical discourse grounded in the seminar themes.
5. To develop the ability of PhD students to theorise on the relevant social, scientific and citizenship issues.

1. Epistemological and intercultural themes: the construction of difference and inequality
2. Epistemological and intercultural themes: contributions to the development of a supportive knowledge
3. Epistemological and intercultural themes: contributions from contemporary critical theories

Albuquerque, Rosana (2016) Uma reflexão sobre o racismo. In Políticas de igualdade e inclusão: reflexões e contributos I; Lisboa: CEMRI: 130-149.

Amâncio, Lígia (2003). O género no discurso das ciências sociais, Análise Social vol. XXXVIII (168): 687-714

Brah, Avtar (2006). Diferença, diversidade, diferenciação, Cadernos Pagu (26), janeiro-junho: 329-376.

Joaquim, Teresa (2020) Polifonia de vozes ou os feminismos como possibilidade de um mundo comum: elas estão (ou não estão) lá?, In Falar de mulheres. Dez anos depois, Lisboa: Humus: 25-38.

 Mignolo, Walter D. (2010). La colonialidad: la cara oculta de la modernidade, in Desobediencia epistémica. Retórica de la modernidad, lógica de la colonialidad y gramática de la descolonialidad. Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Signo.

Mudimbe, V. Y. (2013). A invenção da África -

Gnose, filosofia e a ordem do conhecimento. Lisboa: Edições Pedagogo.

Ribeiro, Djamila (2019). Lugar de fala. São Paulo: Sueli Carneiro/Editora Jandaíra.

Said, Edward (2001). Orientalismo - o Oriente como invenção do Ocidente. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.

Santos, Boaventura Sousa; Nunes, João Arriscado; Meneses, Maria Paula (2004). \"Introdução: Para ampliar o cânone da ciência: a diversidade epistemológica do mundo\", in Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (org.), Semear outras soluções. Os caminhos da biodiversidade e dos conhecimentos rivais. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.


Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (2014). Pode o subalterno falar? Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG

Note: Further readings will be provided during the semester at the virtual classroom, throughout the semester.



Taking as its basis the UAb pedagogical model of online distance learning for postgraduate courses, the methodological approach of this course focuses on a theoretical and practical teaching/learning process using e-learning and the virtual class. In this context, the learning process involves a double strand of individual study and research and collaborative work. The latter is developed in the form of asynchronous discussion groups (online discussion forums within the virtual classroom, moderated either by teachers or by PhD students) and joint seminars.
The assessment of learning on this course will be based on continuous assessment of individual and group activities.
The final evaluation is based on weighing various assessment elements: quality of participation in discussion forums, individual and group work (critical reading and essays); final individual work.

Reading competences in English.