Psicologia Social Aplicada
Cod: 41053
Department: DCSG
Scientific area: Psychology
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

Firstly, this course unit identifies the scope and goals of Applied Social Psychology. Secondly, are addressed themes that relate to environmental analysis , migration and leisure, cultural and psychosocial variables related to the same , as well as their relationship with the well- being and health of individuals and groups; issues related to the importance and the role of religion in the people’s life; issues related to lack of discipline and violence at schools; issues related to psychosocial applications before Justice, highlighting Judicial Psychology and Testimony Psychology, and lastly, issues related to aging and the reaction of people to it.

Social Psychology
Social Sciences
Applied Psychology
Psycho-sociological Intervention

In the end, students are expected to be able to:

- define the scope and goals of Applied Social Psychology;
- analyze the complexity and reflect on the social, cultural and psychological processes, individual or collective, raised by specific matters, such as School, Religion, Justice, Ageing and Migrations.
-acquire knowledge to know the surrounding reality , in terms of causes and impact issues related to the Environment , Leisure and Happiness have on people and society in general .


1. Applied Social Psychology: an introduction
2. Social Psychology of Environmental
3. Social Psychology of Migrations
4. Social Psychology of  Organizations
5. Social Psychology of Religion
6.School indiscipline and violence: psycho-educational approaches
7. Social Psychology of Ageing
8. Social Psychology of Leisure
9. Social Psychology of Hapiness

Neto, F. (Coord.) (2004). Psicologia Social Aplicada. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

Ramos, N. (2013). Comunidades marítimas, cultura e meio ambiente: Perspectivas de saúde, identitárias e interculturais. In I. Araújo (org).  Perspectivas de educação ambiental no constructo da interculturalidade. São Cristovão: Editora UFS, p.91-108 (2ªed).
Ramos, N. (2014). Migração, Tráfico de pessoas e trabalho doméstico. Revista Políticas Públicas, 18 (2), 425-438.
Ramos,N.(2015).Mobilidades e interculturalidades na contemporaneidade: desafios para a Psicologia e a inserção social. In S. Gondim & I. Bichara (Org.). A Psicologia e os desafios do mundo contemporâneo. Salvador: UFBA, p. 267-300

Santana, I., Coutinho, M. P., Ramos, N. et al. (2012). Mulher Idosa: Vivências do Processo de Institucionalização. Revista Ex aequo, nº 26, p. 71-85.
(Further reading will be made available online in virtual class)


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).

It is crucial that students consult frequently the couse in: