Study and Learning Practices
Cod: 11045
Department: DEED
Scientific area: Education Sciences
Total working hours: 156
Total contact time: 15

In this curricular unit, we propose to explore study processes and learning techniques.
Its main objective is the acquisition of the necessary academic competences.
Subjects include:
• research work; resources utilization ;
• systematization of knowledge strategies
• writing practices ;
• information/directions on how to properly structure and organize ideas in an argumentative text;
• general rules for online communication.

Study techniques
Specialized writing
Writing Process
Netiquette rules

At the end of this course the student should be able to:

·         carry out research;

·         systematize knowledge

·         adopt rules for the preparation of academic work.

use appropriate resources for an autonomous learning

Communication concepts and models
Suggestions for  writing papers on development issues
Communication on the Internet
Organization and presentation of academic works
Research work; resources utilization
Choice of adequate criteria and norms; the importance of criteria/norms consistency.

The compulsory bibliography is regularly updated, and available in the virtual classroom.

Additional bibliography
Dias, H.B.M. (2009) Comunicação e cognição no ensino de línguas a distância: Das tecnologias multimedia à criação de ambientes de aprendizagem. Actas do I Congresso sobre Comunicação, Cognição e Media. Braga: Univ. Católica. 455-468.
Dias, R. (2009). Integração das TIC ao ensino e aprendizagem da língua.
Duarte, I. (2000). Língua Portuguesa – Instrumentos de Análise. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Ceia, C. (2003). Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos (4.ª Ed.). Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
Carvalho, J. A. B. S. (1999). O Ensino da Escrita. Da teoria às práticas pedagógicas. Braga: Instituto de Educação e Psicologia, Universidade do Minho.


Continuous assessment is privileged: 2 digital written documents (e-folios) during the semester (40%) and a final digital test, Global e-folio (e-folio G) at the end of the semester (60%). In due time, students can alternatively choose to perform one final exam (100%).